Theresa patted the video camera sitting on the seat next to her.

“And when I tape your confession and show my Andrew what you truly are, what a fucking performer you are, with all your twisted dishonesty laid out for him, there won’t be any more barriers between Andrew and me.”

At that point, an acerbic, petulant tone had crept into Theresa’s speech. It was probably the distraction of her ranting at Jill that caused Theresa’s foot to lay too heavily on the gas pedal as she flew down the highway.

The burst of red and blue lights behind her came as a complete surprise. When she heard the siren, Theresa pulled to the side of the road and schooled her face into one of innocence and concern.

Theresa remained calm as she watched the officer walk up to her window. She decided a good offense was better than being defensive and rolled the window down.

“Officer, Thank God. I don’t know where the hospital is. I’ve looked for signs but I don’t know where I’m going,” Theresa cried out in her best help-me-I’m-just-a-poor-helpless-female voice.

The officer peered into the backseat at Jill, though he stood several feet back from the vehicle, one hand on his gun belt as if poised to make a stand.


“My friend was in an accident and hit her head. I’m trying to get her to a hospital.”

The officer appeared to assess Theresa, then made a decision. “Follow me. The hospital is two exits ahead,” he said and turned back to his car.

Theresa was no idiot. She knew the officer would have called in the stop and she knew if she didn’t follow him now, he would chase her down and she’d really have a problem on her hands.

Not a problem. I can adapt. It’s important to be able to handle change.

She smiled and gave herself a mental high five. She was really proud of the way she was handling all of this. Someday, Andrew would be proud, too, when she told him everything she’d had to do to pull her plan together.

When the emergency room personnel wheeled her ‘friend’ in on a gurney, a nurse turned to Theresa and asked if her friend had any identification on her.

“Oh, no. I left her purse in her car. I didn’t even think to grab it when she ran off the road. I’m sorry. Her name is Christina. Christina Robins.” Theresa offered the name of her nosy next-door neighbor with the smelly cat. That damned animal was always trying to slip into Theresa’s apartment whenever she opened the door.

“We’re going to get your friend set up for a CT Scan and run some tests. We’ll let you know as soon as you can see her.”

Theresa smiled. “I can wait,” she said sweetly to the nurse.

“Is there family in the area you can call for her? Anyone you can alert?” the helpful nurse asked.

“No. There’s no one to call. I’m all she has now,” Theresa said with a small shake of her head.

She sat down to wait and formulate a new plan.

Chapter Forty-Five

Andrew wasn’t sure how long he slept. He woke with a start and looked around. He could tell almost immediately Jill wasn’t in the cabin. Icy fingers of dread crept up his spine but he swept them aside. Nothing could go wrong up here and him jumping at every little thing wouldn’t do them any good.

Jill had probably gone out on her snowshoes or was sitting outside on the deck. He sat up but realized the dogs were inside with him.

That means she’s not outside. Why the fuck did I fall asleep?

He rubbed his face with his hands to wake himself up and then walked to the front of the cabin and looked out.

The car was gone. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was only two o’clock. He had probably only been asleep about an hour or so. She couldn’t be far.

He dialed Jill’s phone but it went to voicemail and needling doubts worked their way in again.

“Hey, hon. Just woke up. Wanted to know where you are. Call me when you get this... I love you.”

He knew he shouldn’t be panicking, but anxiety swamped his brain. What if Theresa followed them up here? What if they were wrong and Theresa did know about the ski house?

He couldn’t handle it if anything happened to Jill. He’d only just found her after being alone for so long. What would he do if he lost her?