Girlfriend? Shit. This can’t be happening.

She needed to get herself lined up to work with Andrew so he could see how well they would work together. His interest in her had been clear in their previous encounters, but she knew there was the potential for so much more between them.

If they worked together closely, he’d be able to see the chemistry they had. He would see that he and Theresa could be so much better than whatever whore he was dating. She clenched her fists.

Fucking whore. Trashy, slutty, fucking whore, putting her hands all over what’s mine. Andrew ismine.

Theresa folded her hands in her lap and sat quietly at her desk slowly breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth. Her therapist had taught her the technique and she’d gotten good at using it when she needed to keep calm.

Now was the time to stay calm. She would just bide her time and work on getting closer to Andrew so he could see what they had between them was different. Special. So much more than anything he could have with someone else.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Andrew lay with Jill in his arms listening to the soft sounds of her breathing. They shared a quiet evening at her house, snuggling on the couch and watching a movie – romantic comedy this time. They’d gone to bed early and two orgasms for Jill and one incredible orgasm for Andrew later, she had fallen asleep in his arms.

His appreciation of the sweet sounds of Jill while she slept was disrupted with the shrill sound that indicated an incoming call from Debbie. He shifted Jill over to free his arm and reached for his phone on the nightstand.

“Debbie? What’s up?” It wasn’t unheard of for his assistant to call him late at night and with the quarterly meeting the following day, it was possible that she had remembered some small detail they’d forgotten that day.

“Andrew, it’s Bob,” Andrew heard Debbie’s husband say on the other end of the phone.

He felt a chill at the sound of Bob’s voice and knew right away something was wrong.

“What’s wrong, Bob. Is Debbie okay?” he asked. He felt Jill sit up next to him.

“Debbie’s in the hospital, Andrew. She was attacked tonight outside our apartment,” Bob said.

Andrew heard the words catch in the other man’s throat.

“Attacked? When? Where?” He leapt from the bed and started to dress.

“It looks like a mugger. Debbie didn’t see anything other than someone in a dark ski mask and dark clothes. They came up behind her in the stairwell and stabbed her in the back, then grabbed her purse and ran. She’s okay. Just a flesh wound, really. She’s frightened and shaky but not hurt badly,” Bob said.

“Thank God.” Andrew sank back down onto the bed, the adrenaline that coursed through his veins making him shaky. “Can I do anything? Do you need me at the hospital?”

“No. They’ll release her tonight. She was able to walk the rest of the way to the apartment to get me. She’s really not hurt badly. The police thought the mugger must be new at this because it was such a shallow cut. They said it showed hesitation. Debbie wanted me to tell you she won’t be in the office tomorrow but she’s worried because of the quarterly meeting.”

“She doesn’t need to worry. She has everything ready to go. We’ll be fine. Tell her to rest and take as much time as she needs. I’ll check on her tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Andrew. I appreciate that.”

“Hey. Bob. Uh, I don’t mean to pry but I thought your apartment was in a pretty safe complex. Do you guys need help finding somewhere else to stay?” Andrew thought of Debbie as a lot more than an assistant and the idea that she lived somewhere dangerous made him uneasy enough to broach the subject, uncomfortable as it might be.

“That’s the weird thing. We live in a very safe neighborhood. There haven’t been any other reports of muggings. The lights in that section of the stairwell had been broken and the police thought it was likely done by the mugger. I don’t know what to think now, Andrew.” Bob sounded frustrated.

“Well, if any other incidents happen there let me know and we’ll help you guys find something else quickly. Tell Debbie not to worry about work. I’ll swing by and see her after the meeting tomorrow, if it’s not too late.”

He hung up the phone and turned to find Jill watching him. She seemed to have guessed most of what had happened from the side of the conversation she’d heard.

“Debbie was mugged? She must have been so scared!”

Jill hadn’t met Debbie yet but Andrew had told Jill about her.

“She’s okay. Just a few stitches. She’s scared, though. Someone came up behind her in the stairwell and stabbed her and grabbed her purse ... It was only a flesh wound, but it’s scary to think what could’ve happened.”

He pulled Jill onto his lap and buried his face in her neck.

“Your heart is racing a mile a minute,” she said, her hand on his chest.