She knelt down and threaded her fingers through the curly hair of Rev’s side, scratching him as she shared her secret worries with him, in the face of his unconditional love. Dogs were the best.

“I think I may be in over my head, baby. Mommy might get hurt when this is over.”

Rev raised his head and looked at her.

She lowered her voice to a whisper to answer his unspoken question. “I think I might really like him. As in ‘like him’ like him, you know?”

Rev laid his head on his paws and stared up at her with big brown eyes that held no answers for her. She sighed and stood and shook her head at the dog before she crossed the room to the treat cabinet.

“All right, how about a Laughing Puppers Biscuit since you don’t seem to have any answers for me, little man?”

Rev jumped up at the name of his favorite treat and offered her a prim and proper sit. Rev was wearing his most innocent look and had straightened himself into his best form to try to win more than one cookie.

The dog knew how to work her.

“You don’t fool me,” Jill said wryly as she handed him his treat. “I know you’re a devil dog.” She paused and watched Rev gobble up the treat. “But you like him, too, huh?”

Chapter Twelve

“How does Italian sound?” Andrew asked Jill as they walked to his car.

Jill was appalled to hear her stomach grumble loudly at the mention of Italian food. Andrew turned and threw her a grin.

“Guess that’s a ‘yes’?”

“Sorry. I forgot lunch and breakfast was pretty small.” She blushed. “I tend to get sucked into my work.”

She buckled her seatbelt as he steered the car down the drive, pausing at the end before turning onto the road.

“Well, we can fix that. There’s a small family-owned place that Nora used to take me to when I was younger. Best gnocchi you’ve ever tasted. It just melts in your mouth, and the sauce... You’ll dream about the sauce for weeks.”

Andrew sounded positively wistful as he described the restaurant and Jill knew right away he was talking about Nonna Alda’s.

“I haven’t been to Nonna Alda’s in years!” Her stomach grumbled again. “Oh, the homemade bread. I can’t wait for the bread.”

He laughed. “Your grandparents took you?”

“At least once every visit. I’m surprised I haven’t thought of it since I got back.”

Andrew pulled into the parking lot of the small restaurant. She felt the hot wave of attraction she had come to expect when he placed his hand on the small of her back to walk her into the restaurant. It began at her back, but spread through her whole body, curling her toes.

“Andrew!” A small woman with grey-streaked black hair tied in a braid opened her arms for a hug and kiss. “Joseph, come. Andrew is here.”

A very robust man came out of the kitchen and Andrew and Jill were quickly engulfed in hugs and kisses.

The quartet spent a few minutes catching up before Alda showed them to a small booth in a corner. The cozy fireplace near the booth cast a gentle glow on the table.

Jill opened the menu and tried to ignore the lingering feeling she was on a date. She reminded herself repeatedly that Andrew was gregarious and charming with all of his friends. She just needed to ignore the feeling that his attention was all for her. Only for her.

This is not a date. This is not a date. This is not a date.Sigh.

Her chant was having little effect on the date-like atmosphere that hung over their table.

“What are you getting?” she asked him.

“Definitely the gnocchi. Should probably try something else but I can never resist it. What about you?”

“I don’t know. I’m torn between the gnocchi and the lasagna. I don’t know which one I want more,” Jill said and then watched as a grin took over Andrew’s handsome face.