Chad and Andrew glanced through the sheet Jack handed them and both shook their heads.

“Okay, last item,” Jack said. “Andrew, there’s an administrative assistant in legal who requested a transfer over to financial. Uh…” Jack looked down at his notes. “Theresa Martin. She gets good reports, seems to do her work, but she doesn’t have any particular legal training so there’s really no reason for us to keep her in legal if she’d rather join finance. Do you have anything open?”

“I might. Jason and Katelyn have been sharing an assistant for a while because neither had a full workload. They’re getting to the point where they need more support. I’ll double check and get back to you later today,” Andrew answered, jotting a note to himself.

He was still busy catching up on everything he’d missed while he was out and was impressed with how much Jason and Katelyn had handled on their own. He might let them keep some of the added responsibilities they’d taken on.

“That’s it, then,” Jack said, standing.

For the next two days, by the time Andrew pulled himself in late at night, he was exhausted so it made resisting Jill a little easier. He kept telling himself it was better if he didn’t go see her. It would make keeping whatever this thing was between them at bay.

By the third day, work had eased up and he couldn’t stay away any longer. He missed her.

The last time that had happened was with Blair but he shoved away the reminder. Things with Jill were different. They were friends and friends checked on each other from time to time, didn’t they?

He should go make sure her ex hadn’t come back around.

Before going to work he cut through the backyards to see if she was awake. As he walked up to the back door of Jill’s house, he could see her sipping a cup of coffee and reading something on her laptop at her kitchen island. He tapped on the door and let himself in when she waved in response.

“Hi.” Jill greeted him with a genuine smile and he felt himself smile back.

“Hey, stranger. Wanted to see if you felt like getting together tonight.” He raised his hands in a gesture of goodwill. “Just as friends. I promise. We sent our investors back to New York this afternoon so I’ve got nothing going on and I could use a break.”

Not that I should be taking that break with you, but I’m a glutton for fucking punishment, apparently.

Jill nodded, but he noticed a wary light in her eye. He would bet she was also thinking through the consequences of the two of them spending more time together.

Jill got up to get a cup of coffee for Andrew and appeared to make a decision.

“Okay. I could use a break, too. I’ve been knee deep in the website for the past few days and now it’s all up to the designers to finish their end of things before we go live.”

“Pick you up at seven and we’ll go out to dinner?” He took the cup of coffee, using the gesture as an excuse to let his fingers brush along Jill’s.

Warm. Just like he knew she’d feel.

He knew taking Jill to a restaurant was too much like a date but staying in seemed too dangerous. At least in public, he couldn’t strip her clothes off and use his mouth to see how many times he could make her come.


Needing a distraction, Andrew bent to Rev and rubbed the dog’s belly. The curly-haired monkey rolled over and stretched, reveling in the touch and Andrew had to grin as he gave him a few extra scratches.

“Sounds perfect,” Jill said.

“Great, I’ll see you tonight,” he said.

Andrew slipped back out the door and cut back through the yards to Nora’s house.

The whole way, he told himself he was playing with fire by seeing Jill this way, but he didn’t have the strength to resist.

Jill watched Andrew as he jogged through the backyards to go back to his grandmother’s house.

Oh, what a pair of jeans did for that man’s ass. It should be a crime to look that good.

She couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy, because she already knew they shouldn’t get as close as they were. It was one thing to spend time with a group of friends together. Tonight would feel more like a date.

She sighed. She’d just have to keep reminding herself that Andrew was only a friend. And that he could only ever be a friend. Simple in plan, but tough in execution when every second around Andrew was compelling torture.

When he looked at her, she felt flames run through her body. When he brushed her arm or touched her in a casual, friendly way, her body burst to life and a needy ache burned in her core. And so far, Jill couldn’t figure out how to stop her response.