“No, no. Nothing like that. He just doesn’t listen, you know? What I don’t get is why he keeps coming around. He’s the one who left.” Jill gestured Andrew toward the kitchen island as she slid scrambled eggs onto two plates. “Here, you earned breakfast.”

She smiled and pulled two pieces of toast from the toaster, buttering them and placing one on her plate and one on Andrew’s.

He was quiet for a minute while he thought about Jill’s question.

“Only two reasons he’d keep coming around,” he said slowly. “Either he really is an arrogant ass who thinks you can’t live without him or he still wants to sleep with you.”

Her head shot up. “What? No! I mean, no. He’s...he left me. He’s living with his mistress. He doesn’t want... I mean, we don’t. He’s not...”

He laughed. “Okay, then he’s an arrogant ass who thinks you can’t live without him.”

Jill frowned at her eggs. “Well, yes. Actually, that sounds exactly like him.”

They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. Jill seemed to be a million miles away and Andrew was busy having a little internal conversation with his dick about its reaction to Jill in her pajamas.

She wore men’s pajama bottoms and a thin cami top that beautifully outlined the round curve of her breasts and hard peaks of her nipples.

If Andrew expected to keep his head around his tempting new friend, he really had to stop coming around first thing in the morning. Jill in pajamas with her hair mussed from sleep was way too tempting.

Andrew walked into Jack’s office for their morning meeting and found Chad and Jack were already there drinking coffee, waiting for him.

“Sorry, guys. Got a late start this morning,” he said as he picked up the coffee that waited for him in front of his usual chair.

“No problem. We don’t have much to go over today. A few details for the investors we have coming in and someone who’s looking for a spot on your team, Andrew. Chad, you have anything else to go over?”

“Just a few employee raises,” Chad said. This earned him puzzled looks from Jack and Andrew.

“We don’t need to review raises for your people. We never have before,” Andrew said.

He watched Chad squirm, not something you normally see from a guy like Chad, and instantly Andrew knew this had something to do with Jennie.

Chad was head over heels in love with Jennie, but she reported to Chad. In Chad’s mind, that meant she was off limits. It also made him anal about being objective where she was concerned.

“One of them is Jennie’s. I want you guys to review and approve all of the raises so there’s no question about... Well, you know,” Chad finished, trying to act casual about his nervousness where Jennie was concerned.

“Aw, look at the big guy, Jack. He’s growing up so fast…all hot for a girl,” Andrew said with fake wistfulness and a big grin.

“He’s not our little boy anymore,” Jack said.

Chad was two years younger than Jack and Andrew and they never tired of reminding him.

“Very funny, guys. Just review the damn raises,” Chad said and tossed a stack of papers on Jack’s desk.

It only took a minute for Andrew and Jack to review the raises. Chad had been meticulous when it came to his supervisory role of Jennie. He never touched her, never treated her differently than any other employee, and it was no surprise that he had clearly documented the grounds for giving a raise to each of the three employees in question, including Jennie.

“Looks good to me, Chad,” Andrew said and Jack echoed his approval.

“You know, Chad, there isn’t technically any non-fraternization policy at Sutton. You can date Jennie if you want. I mean, I’m not saying I want you to run out and date just anyone in your division, but we both know Jennie’s not just anyone. And, we can file a mutual consent form with human resources for the record. Maybe it’s time for you to see where this goes,” Jack said.

“Not happening. Next topic.” Chad’s tone left no room for discussion.

Andrew shrugged at Jack in a silent agreement to drop the topic for now. This had been going on for months and clearly Chad was still hoping his feelings would go away with time.

Andrew would normally have agreed with that plan, but he had to wonder if his feelings for Jill would diminish with time. When she was ready to start dating again now that her divorce was final, would he be okay with watching her date other men?

A big, “Hell, fucking no!” was what came to mind at that thought. And he didn’t think time would do anything to dull that response.

“All right, here’s the agenda for the investors from New York. They’ll be here for two days and we’re packing a lot in with them. Any questions on the packets you got on the agenda for the visit earlier?” Jack asked.