The door swung open and Andrew’s smile widened. How the hell did Jill manage to look so damn sexy in sweats and a tank top with her hair all messed up and her eyes barely open?

“Morning, sunshine,” he said with a grin. He watched Jill’s eyes widen with the realization he was on her doorstep.

“Morning,” Jill mumbled as her face took on a crimson hue.

“Just came to help you with your hangover.” With his smile firmly in place, he handed her the container of painkillers and the bottled water.

“Ugh. I don’t think I’ve done this much damage to my body since college.” She took the water and pills out of Andrew’s hands.

“Take those, drink all the water, and get some sleep,” Andrew said as he turned toward his car. He turned back, remembering Jack and Kelly were hosting a party the following night. “Are you going to Jack and Kelly’s house tomorrow night?”

“If this headache goes away by then, yes,” Jill said.

“Ride together?”

“Sure,” Jill nodded and smiled.

“Great,” Andrew smiled. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Chapter Eight

Jennie groaned as she walked into the locker room of the gym on the fifth floor of the Sutton Capital Building. It helped that Kelly held the door for her, but even so, each step felt like torture.

“I’m never letting you talk me into that again.”

Kelly only grinned at her.

“I mean it.” Jennie sank onto the bench between lockers and eyed her best friend. “That man pushes hard. Do you always workout with him?”

This brought a laugh from Kelly. “No, we usually just do self-defense sessions together but he’s decided I need to up my cardio.”

Zach Harris was apparently a Jack-of-all-trades. He’d been hired by Kelly’s husband as her bodyguard after she was kidnapped, but he was also teaching her self-defense. And now he’d seemingly added trying to run her butt into the ground to the mix.

They’d just done enough time on a stair machine to make Jennie puke.

She laid back on the bench, bringing her feet up to balance on it like a bed. Not that it was anywhere near as comfortable as a bed, but hey, she was at least lying down now.

Kelly started pulling clean clothes from her locker, but she looked over her shoulder, talking as she did.

“Are you coming to our house tonight?”

Jennie threw an arm over her eyes, blocking out the overhead lights. “If I survive until then.”

Kelly laughed, but sobered. “Have you been to see Sam? I called to see if she was coming but she hasn’t called me back. I’m worried about her.”

Jennie sat up, frowning. “Me, too. Chad went to see her and I stopped by the other day. She’s not working at all.”

Kelly shot Jennie an alarmed look. “You know she’ll never lose her job. She’ll have a place at Sutton whenever she’s ready to come back.”

Jennie waved a hand. “I don’t mean that. I mean on the stuff she loves. She’s stopped working on her game. She’s not sleeping much. I think she’s depressed.”

Kelly sat next to Jennie. “I wonder if she’d see a therapist. I like mine a lot and I think talking to her is really helping me.”

“You’re seeing a therapist?”

Kelly nodded. “Hell yes. Zach has this whole program he does for when he’s hired to guard someone who went through something traumatic like I did. He’s your bodyguard, but he also teaches you self-defense and gets you hooked up with a therapist and stuff.”

“Chad connected you and Jack with Zach, right?”