Page 6 of Shiver

“Like what?”

“Do you have a record?”

An ice pick of fear pierced her heart and sent a cold shiver pulsing through her. She knew what was coming, knew what he’d ask next. He stepped closer stealing her air. “Have you ever been arrested?”

Chapter 4

Every natural-borncop instinct Riley had sang in tune. “Why are you rubbing your wrists?”

She didn’t answer and refused to look at him.

A telltale sign? His adrenaline kicked into high gear. “You won’t mind coming downtown to answer a few more questions, perhaps take a set of fingerprints?”

Her eyes shot to his. “What on earth for? I didn’t have anything to do with this woman’s murder. I didn’t even know her.”

“How do you know you didn’t know her? I haven’t shown you her picture yet.”

“Because I don’t know very many people here,” she said defensively and started to pace the room. “And I certainly don’t know any female police officers.” She stopped and looked at him. Fear widening her eyes.

Gotcha, sweetheart. “I don’t believe I mentioned the young woman was a cop.”

She stood still, staring at him with those large luminous eyes.

“Right about now an explanation would be good,” he prompted. “How did you know she was a cop?”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out.

He stepped closer.

A loud knock at the front door reverberated through the house. Devra jumped. Riley swore under his breath. “That would be my partner.”

“Oh,” she murmured, looking scared and relieved at the same time. He was aware of her soft step as she followed him through the living room and toward the front door.

How had this woman known Michelle was a cop? She’d been working undercover. Any bystander would have thought she was a prostitute. She knew a lot more than she was letting on. All he needed was a little more time alone with her and he’d have her singing.

He stood back and allowed her to open the door. Tony strode in looking flushed and wiping the sweat off his brow. “It’s hotter than Hades out there. Are you about done here? The captain just called and said he wants to see you pronto.”

Riley turned. “Devra Morgan, Detective Tortorici. Grab your purse, looks like we’re going downtown.”

Tony raised a questioning brow.

She sputtered a protest, outrage crossing her face. “I can’t go. I’m due at Children’s Hospital for story time. I have to be there.”

“I’m sure they can find someone else to readGreen Eggs and Hamthis morning.”

Unyielding, she stood with her hands braced on her hips. “No. There isn’t anyone else. The nurses are too busy. The children look forward to my being there. It’s important to them, and to me.”

Her sudden display of backbone interested him. Was it disappointing the kids that had her all charged up, or the fear of going to the station?

Tony stepped forward. “Why don’t I accompany Miss Morgan to the hospital, then bring her by the station when she’s done?” He offered one of his smooth Italian smiles. “That way, you can go see the captain and she can still read to the kiddies.” He gestured wide with his hands.

Always the diplomat, Riley thought, but this time it wasn’t going to fly. “I’ll take her to the hospital,” he insisted. “We’ll come to the station right after.”

Tony’s mouth twisted with disapproval.

“I’ll get my purse.” She hurried down the hall toward the back of the house.

Once she rounded the corner, Riley lowered his voice. “Look, Tony. You and I both know what the captain is going to say the moment I walk through the door.”