Page 29 of Shiver

Chapter 11

It was wellpast midnight when a gust of wind shook the bushes surrounding the house as Riley walked through his front door. The night had been incredibly hard. His family had wanted answers, someone to blame, a reason why they were being dragged through hell. He had nothing to offer them.

His inability to help gnawed at him. He poured himself a stiff drink and stared out the window. He didn’t have answers for them or for himself. But he was certain Devra held the key to this case. He’d have to do whatever it took to get her to open up. He wondered if she was awake.

He hesitated in front of her closed door, one hand resting against the wood. She was skittish. He would have to move slowly. Pushing her would be the worst thing he could do. He’d wait ’til morning until after he’d had a good night’s sleep and was better prepared for the task.

He dropped his hand, turned, and headed toward his room. Tomorrow he’d find out exactly what she was hiding from him. He had to.

* * *

Anger,hot and lethal, seethed inside him. How dare that cop bring her to his house? Did he think he could keep her from him? The thin branch grasped in his hand snapped. She was his. It was time he taught this cop a lesson, taught him how easily something precious, something valued could be lost.

He walked into the open area between the small house and the barn and smiled as the mist enclosed him.Inside the barn, a horse whinnied, its large brown eyes widening with fear. He slipped the bridle over its head, pulled him out of the barn, and tied him to a tree. He circled the small house, peering through the darkened windows making sure everyone was asleep.

The French doors leading into the kitchen opened easily. He crept through the living room until he reached her closed door. He paused to listen, then turned the handle.

The cat looked up, startled. Yellow eyes glimmered in the narrow beam of his light before it darted through the open door. She slept fitfully, tossing and turning, her hand clutching a corner of the pillow. So beautiful. She murmured as he reached for her cheek. She turned her head away from him.

“Peekaboo, Devra.”

She didn’t wake. That was okay. It wasn’t time yet; she wasn’t where he wanted her to be. He left her, taking his time as he walked through the living room, touching, his long fingers lingering. The door to the cop’s room was opened wide. Moonlight seeped in from the window, betraying a mound beneath the blankets where the he lay sleeping.

His knife flashed in the dim light, moving closer…

* * *

Screams erupted through the house.Riley bolted upright, his heart pounding, his head thundering. Tangled in the blankets, he almost fell out of bed. Finding his footing, he ran to Devra’s room. “What is it?” he demanded as he burst through the doorway. “What happened?”

In the middle of the bed, Devra sat with her arms clutching her knees against her chest. “Someone’s in the house,” she said in a hoarse whisper.

“Don’t move.” He checked her bathroom, her closet, then did a quick sweep of the house. There was no one. No sign that anyone had been there. He hurried back to her room. “It’s okay,” he assured her. “No one is here.”

“Did you check your room?” she asked hesitantly.

Confused, he nodded. She released a deep breath and leaned back against the headboard. “I’m sorry. I guess I had another nightmare.”

“It must have been some nightmare.” He sat on the edge of her bed. “Are you all right? Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“You seem pretty shook up. What was it about?”

She didn’t respond.

“Sometimes it helps to talk these things out,” he offered. “Otherwise, you may never get back to sleep. And neither will I.”

She smiled. It was an embarrassed smile, small and unassuming. He liked it. He also liked the way her tangled from sleep draped over her shoulders. She looked soft and vulnerable.And desirable.

The smooth and enticing curves of her breasts were clearly outlined through her yellow T-shirt. He forced his gaze back to her face before his thoughts became abundantly clear through the thin cotton of his boxer shorts.

“Is it possible someone could have entered through the French doors in the kitchen?” The tone of her voice sounded soft, casual, but the sharp gleam in her eyes set him on edge.

“I’ll double-check and make sure the doors are locked, though we’re pretty secure out here. We close the gates at night.”

Devra nodded.

“Anything else you’d like to tell me?”