“Are you saying they were all murdered by the same man?” The detective’s voice rose in pitch.
His words didn’t make sense. The same man? There was only one killer? The thought and its implications came crashing down around her. Only one? All this time?
But she’d thought…
It hadn’t been the victims she’d been connected to, she’d been dreaming about, it’d been him—a killer who murdered women who looked like her. Following her each time she moved, and then murdering another.
The room spun. Her stomach heaved.
He’dknown about her all along. All this time.
He’dbeen following her.
Terror seized control of her senses. She stood. She had to leave.Now.
Chapter 6
Riley watchedhis suspect swing her purse over her shoulder and get ready to bolt. She’d heard something. Before she’d gone two steps, he gripped her arm and pulled her back. “What do you know about this case?” he demanded, his barely controlled fury rasping his voice.
“Nothing,” she whispered, her eyes widening with the fear of a trapped animal.
“You do!” he insisted. “Tell the truth.”
She cringed beneath his fury and fell back into the chair, clutching her purse against her stomach, refusing to meet his gaze—the little scared kitty again.
“Riley!” Captain Lewis warned, outrage crossing his face.
“She’s hiding something, Captain.” He’d seen it in her face. Something she’d heard had thrown her into a panic. All he needed was another minute to work her and she’d break.
“Get hold of yourself,” Captain Lewis demanded.
He wouldn’t get hold of himself, he couldn’t. His fury was too strong, too pungent; he could taste it with every breath he took. He was so close to the truth. He pulled the folder out of the captain’s hands and dumped the contents onto the desk for her to see. Pictures and papers spread haphazardly—pictures of three different women, all with long blond hair cascading in curls around their pale lifeless shoulders.
Pictures of women who looked like Michelle.
Of women who looked like her.
His captain stepped forward. “Riley, we know how much Michelle’s death has affected you, but this behavior is unacceptable. I shouldn’t have to tell you that you’re skating on thin ice here, real thin.”
“The last murder took place in Miami, three years ago,” Riley said, his voice sounding cold and hard. “Where did you live before you came here, Miss Morgan?”
She didn’t answer, just stared at him with her round baby blue eyes trapped in fear.
She should be scared, he thought. Real scared.
By now everyone in the department was standing, listening, staring with curiosity alive on their faces. Riley swung the swivel chair she was sitting in, turning her around to face the captain and everyone else.
“Tony, where did Miss Morgan live before she came here three years ago?”
Tony opened his file. “Miami.”
“Whose locket did we find on Michelle?”
“Miss Morgan’s”
Riley turned to his captain. “You think she doesn’t know something about this murder? You said we have a killer who goes after blondes—blondes that look a lot like Michelle.”
He turned and lifted the glasses off Miss Morgan’s shocked face, then before she could stop him, pulled the clip from her hair. Long blond locks cascaded around her shoulders. An audible gasp filled the room.