Page 6 of Forgiving Chase

Chase cringed. His mother had seen him. “Even if he is back, that doesn’t mean he would ever hurt her or Jacquie.”

Josh hesitated. “Drugs make people do crazy things. You wouldn't believe the stuff I've seen lately.”

“Actually, I would. I run Guardian Securities out of Charlotte. I’m on my way up there as we speak. How can I help?”

“You run Guardian Securities?” Josh repeated in disbelief.

Chase grinned. His company’s reputation as one of the best investigative and security agencies in the state was well known. He took a lot of pride in that.

“I’m impressed. I hear they’re the best,” Josh said.

“Good. Then let us help.”

Josh took a deep breath. “I am down a man and don't want anyone elsegettingnear my sister. The doctor moved both Sylvia and Jacquie out of ER and into their own room. Can you spare a guard to make sure no one goes near them again?”

“I'llsendsomeone over first thing in the morning,” Chase offered immediately. “I want in on this investigation. I'd like to talk to Jacquie, if she's up to it.”

Josh blew out a breath. “She won’t like it, but I won't deny I can use the help. I'll meet you at the hospital in the morning. Be there by nine.”

Chase disconnected the line. What would it be like to see Jacquie again after all this time? He wondered what she’d been doing with her life. Was she married? Had a boatload of kids? Was she a vet and had her own practice like she’d always dreamed? He had to admit, now that he’d let her back into his thoughts, he was curious. He even looked forward to seeing her again.

He called the man in charge of his security division and asked to have a guard sent to Granite Falls General Hospital as soon as possible. Then he sent a message to Suzy, his right hand, letting her know he'd be out of town for the foreseeable future and to transfer all his cases to Thomas, his second-in-command.

The three had worked in the same MP Unit in the Army, and after they got out, started Guardian Securities together. They were great at what they did and hired skilled people to work with them. They worked hard, and together grew the agency to what it was today.

He had no doubt they'd discover what was going on in Granite Falls.

He just hoped Aiden wasn't involved.


Jacquie woketo the sun shining too brightly through her hospital window. She tried to move but stopped as pain shot through her head and middle. Her tongue felt swollen and she couldn't swallow. Carefully, she reached for the water cup by her bedside and took a long sip.

The door opened and a large male nurse with a shock of red hair came in. “How are you feeling this morning?” Keith asked.

She’d known him for years, but never thought their star football player would one day be her nurse. “Sore.My head is killing me.” She looked past him and gestured to a man sitting in a chair outside her door. “Who’s that?”

“Your very own bodyguard. I heard you had an unwanted visitor last night down in the ER.” He checked her blood pressure, then wrote it down on the chart on his clipboard.

She tried to remember a visitor but couldn’t think around the pain.

He hung the clipboard back on the foot of the bed. “You have a concussion and bruised ribs, and had a little too much morphine. After what you've been through, you'll be sore for a while. Can I get you anything?”

Memories trickled through her mind, images from the night before. With them came a tightening in her chest and a feeling of hopelessness as she recalled a blue truck running her off the road.

Killer.Her breath caught. “Have you heard anything about my dog?”

He shook his head. “Sorry. I just came on shift.”

She had to be okay. “When can I go home?”

“Not until the doctor checks on you. He'll be here soon.” He smiled, and gave her leg a pat.

“Thank you.” Everything was so fuzzy. Where was Josh? Or her dad? Why wasn’t anyone here? She needed someone to tell her Killer was safe.

“Excuse me,” she called out to the guard sitting in the hall.

“I think she wants you,” Keith told him as he walked out of the room.