Page 3 of Forgiving Chase

Someone is trying to run me off the road.

“Hold on, Jacquie. Come on, Girl. Hold on.”

The voice didn't belong to the 911 operator.

A horrible beeping echoed in her head, growing louder and louder.

She slammed into the guardrail, bounced up and over, end over end, and slid down the mountain away from the highway.

A truck up on the road above, pulled to the edge, idling.

To see if she needed help? Or to finish the job?


She was falling again, rushing toward a deep, dark abyss.

“Jacquie! She's unresponsive; blood pressure is too low. AdministeringNaloxonenow.”

Pain.Aching soreness.

Jacquie gasped and tried to open her eyes. The light was too bright. Her mouth filled with cotton.

Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?

“Someone is trying to kill me.”

“I got you. Nothingwillhappen to you. Not on my watch.” She felt a hand grab hers.


Her throat was parched and aching.

“She's back,” another voice said. The horrible beeping stopped.

“I got you. You're going to be okay.”

She forced open her eyes.

Josh?Her brother looked terrified. A doctor stood by his side, concern etched in the crags on his face.

“What's happening?” She didn't recognize the weakness of her voice.

“You've had too much morphine,” Josh said. “The doctor had to administerNarcan.”


She scanned the room. She was in the hospital. The lights were on. Darkness outside the window. Then she remembered.Someone ran her off the road.


“She's fine. She's with Jess and Dad.”

Tears leaked from her eyes.Thank God.That little dog was her world.

“There was a man here. He gave me a shot. I felt a pinch…”

“I’ve been the only one on duty.” The nurse's familiar blue eyes were framed by dark hair—Chase's mother.Beverly?