Page 24 of Forgiving Chase

She tried not to watch him, to feel for him. To think of him as anything but a coworker. She doodled on her paper, drawing squares within squares. “Maybe he’s too high up on the food chain. Maybe he recruited Sylvia.”

He looked at her. “I don’t want to think that.”

“Me, either,” she admitted. “Either way, at this point, Aiden is our number one suspect.”

“I don’t agree.” He held up a hand as she opened her mouth to protest. “Hear me out. Aiden loved Sylvia. Even if he is involved with the drug smuggling, which I don’t believe he is, he would never hurt Sylvia in that way.”

“Then where is he? Why hasn’t he come to see her if he has nothing to hide? Unless he did.” She bit her lip. “I’m pretty sure I saw him last night. In my room, whether he was the one who drugged me or not, I know he was there.”

“You’re right. He’s involved—how involved, we’re not sure. I made a call to see if I can find out where he’s been since he got out of the Army. I’m still waiting to hear back.”

Something inside her melted as she realized how he’d been in the dark about his own brother for so long. “That couldn’t have been easy. When was the last time you spoke to him?”

“Four years ago when we both left the Army.”

“Four years?” She didn’t know why that surprised her so much.

“We aren’t close.”

“You left your life here for him.”You left me for him.

He looked away, going quiet and still for a long moment.

“Hey, guys,” Jess said, sticking her head in the doorway. “My break is over and I need to get back to school.”

“What? So soon?” Jacquie wasn’t ready to see her sister go.

“Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay.” Jacquie stood up and gave her a hug. “Thank you for taking care of my baby.”

“Anytime. She’s adorable.”

“I know,” Jacquie agreed with a smile.

“I’m so glad you’re all right and I’m sorry for leaving you alone with Dad. He’s not a happy camper right now.”

“Is he ever?”

They laughed and hugged again. “Thanks for everything.”

“Anytime. Good to see you again, Chase,” Jess called over her shoulder as she walked toward the door. “You be good to my sister.”

“Always,” he said automatically.

Jacquie turned to him, eyebrows raised.

“Okay, not always.” He shook his head as Jess left. “I still can’t believe she’s all grown up.”

“I know. Time has a way of marching on when we’re not paying attention.”

“I’ll say. I need to call the office and check-in.”

“You want me to leave? I can go get us some tea?”

“No. I want you to trust me.” He dialed the number and put it on speaker phone. “Any news on Aiden?” he asked when someone named Thomas answered the phone.

“No. He’s a ghost. I’m telling you, Chase. No one can disappear this completely without help.”