Page 28 of Whispers Of Horses

My mom sighed. “Yes. He seemed like such a nice young man when they first met. I think money has changed him. Judging from how unhappy Elaine always looks, Peter’s lack of interest in her, the kids, or holiday visits, I assume he’s probably cheating.”

I felt my chin wobble and I moved to sit on the sofa. “I just don’t understand, why would she stay there with him? Sure, the kids have everything they need, but they live on eggshells. They are basically kept in their own side of the house incase Peter needs to “entertain” and Elaine…” my voice broke, and I shoved my face into my palms.

I felt the couch dip, and I felt my mom’s arms come around my shoulders. “Honey, Elaine knows she and the kids will always have a home here, but divorce isn’t a light decision to make, and only she can make that choice. No matter how much we all hate it, she has to make her own choices, and live the life she chooses. I don’t think marriage with Peter will last forever.”

She paused to take a breath, and my father took up the talk. “Elaine’s always been a strong girl, Callie, but she’s a good mama, and she’ll put those kids first even if she hates her life. What she needs to decide is; how she wants to raise them. Does she want them to grow up to value money or family? When she makes that choice, we’ll be here, waiting for her.”

I nodded, but the waterworks had already begun, as it always seemed to lately. I was an emotional wreck and no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to keep my tears at bay. Life suddenly felt so hard. So many things were catapulting around me, choices, events, outcomes which hadn’t yet manifested, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a ball and hide from it all. Across the room, there was a terrible noise, like an animal dying, followed by the little fluff ball Billy the Kid screeching across the wooden floors and bee-lining for me. I realized the noise we’d heard was his little howl of melancholy, and my parents and I shared a weak laugh as the pup struggled to climb into my lap, his eyes full of concern. Pulling the pup into my lap, I ignored the fear that someone would find out about my curse, and I hugged him tight, allowing my emotions to flow between us.


Leaning on the welded pipe fence that surrounded the arena, I let the cool breeze of fall rustle through my hair, which hung loose down my back. My vest helped to ward off some of the chill in the air, but I didn’t mind the coolness of the morning. The stallion thrashing around the enclosure clearly agreed, as he seemed to be even more onery than usual. His sleek black coat had a little fluff to it from his winter coat growing in, but nothing seemed to be able to take away from the majesty of his beauty. Sand flew up, just missing my face as the stallion kicked and bucked in front of me, and I just shook my head.

I took a deep breath of the crisp air, closed my eyes, and sought the gift/curse inside of me. Trying my hardest, I hoped to communicate calmness with him without being able to physically touch him. I knew it was a long shot, but it had worked with other animals, so I was determined to figure out how to control this oddity about myself and use it to my advantage. The stallion stopped his wild antics for a second and turned to face me. I knew what this meant. He could sense my emotions, or somehow feel what I was trying to send his way. He pawed the ground as he faced me, snorting several times through flared nostrils, and tossed his head in defiance.

Watching him, I kept at it, focusing all of my attention on him and on the feeling of calmness I was hoping to send to him. After several long moments, the stallion took a tentative step toward me, his demeanor somewhat calmer, his eyes less wild. He held his head high, his lips pursed tightly, but he took that first step, and to me, that was a triumph in its own. Suddenly, he pinned his ears flat, blew air through his nose, and reared up, before spinning around and bucking across the arena. I deflated, because I had really been hoping for more than that. Gravel crunched behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder, then nearly fell over in surprise. Mathis was smiling at me sheepishly, and I ground my teeth.

For two weeks, I had managed to avoid him, mostly because I’d kept my feet firmly here at home, but also because I didn’t want to see him. Now, here he was, at my home, uninvited. This was just terrific. To add insult to injury, my heart was beating wildly in my chest, my stomach was doing somersaults, and my female areas were now on full alert. My nipples even hardened just at the sight of him. I was pathetic. I mean, really pathetic. Mathis looked me over, and when he stood beside me, he reached out a hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

“You look really good like this, Calamity. The country suits you.” his topaz eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief and desire both.

I frowned. “What are you doing here, Mathis, and please don’t call me that.”

He chuckled. “Why? It’s your name, and its beautiful. Just like you.” he was leaning so close to me, I was terrified he was going to kiss me.

Stepping back a little, I asked, “Do you think pretty words are going to win me over? You didn’t tell me why you’re here.”

Mathis grinned that deliciously sexy, crooked grin, and my legs threatened to buckle. “Not win you over, but they might help. Your ma invited me over.”

Now, my mouth hung open. Trying to recover my shock, I asked, “What do you mean she invited you over?”

Mathis moved closer again. “I called yesterday, since it’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve seen or heard from you, and your ma said you were working with a colt. She told me you would be here today, and that you’d love if I came out and rode with you.”

My jaw ticked, and I was tempted to scream. I wanted, very much, to be angry with her, but as I released a long breath, I knew I couldn’t be. She was being a mom, that’s all. Now, however, it seemed I was stuck with Mr. Too sexy for his own good, and I didn’t have a clue how to get myself out of this situation.

“Uh, well, I…I actually can’t ride today. I’m sorry you drove all the way out here for nothing Mathis, but I promised my brother I’d check the herd in the back forty today.”

I started to walk away, but when I glanced over my shoulder, Mathis was still grinning. “Yeah, I know. I met your brother a few minutes ago. He invited me to ride out with you.”

Now I really was going to scream. So, even Cody was conspiring against me? I was going to kill him. My mother I could forgive, but my brother, no way! Looking at Mathis, I sighed. I guess I was screwed. That thought brought with it far too many images, all of which consisted of Mathis without clothing, and I clenched my jaw, stalking away from him. I was tempted to throw his ass on a bronc, but I would never be immature enough to risk someone’s safety like that. Besides, my dad would beat me till I was black and blue.

Stopping at Pizzaz’s stall, I whistled, and she replied with a high-pitched whinny before sticking her head over the half-door. Grabbing a halter from its peg on the wall, I went into the stall, hugging her, feeling her excitement buffeting me. Ignoring Mathis, I led her to the tie rack before I finally acknowledged him.

“Would you like a mellow horse, or a spirited one?”

With his eyes trailing over me in a sensual caress, Mathis smiled wickedly before replying, “I think you know I like the spirited ones.”

I rolled my eyes, trying my damnest to ignore the sensations coursing through my body from the way his eyes had travelled over me. Walking down the barn hallway, I grabbed a halter and headed for the stall of a big bay horse. “This is Remington. He’s a great ranch horse, but he needs a firm hand.”

Holding out the halter to Mathis, I tried to avoid touching him, but he made sure his fingers grazed my palm when he took the offered halter. My jaw was so tight, I thought it would break. I stormed away from him, figuring he should know how to saddle the damn horse.

“Hey, Callie, I wanted to see how those shoes were working out on your little mare? I tried a new method I thought would last a little longer.”

The voice startled me as I tossed the western saddle up onto my mare’s golden back. Turning, I smiled politely at Reeve, our farrier, and nodded hello.

“They are great, Reeve. Haven’t had any problems. She seems to have great grip on sand in the arena and out on the pastures. No complaints so far.”

Reeve studied me for a second too long, and I frowned. He recovered, smiling at me. “That’s great, Callie.”