Page 25 of Whispers Of Horses

Clenching my jaw, I glanced her way, sending her the death stare. Under my breath, I whispered, “What’s your problem, you traitor?”

Sam shrugged. “Gee, Calamity, I can’t let you fuck this one up, I mean, look at the guy. That ride’s worth all eight seconds baby.”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “You’re an ass.” Turning my attention back to the bar, I took my shot, slammed the glass back down on the counter, and started to get out of my chair. The world spun a little, but I managed to keep myself upright.

When I went to step away, however, my way was blocked by a good looking blond in a cowboy hat. He eyed me, tipped his hat, looked past me, and said, “Samantha, I’ve been trying to call you for like two weeks. What’s going on babe?”

Oh shit. I knew who this guy was. Looking over my shoulder at Sammy, I lifted a brow at the white shade of her face.

“Hey, Steven, uh, I’ve been busy, my bestie came back to town, and well, you know…I was gonna call you…”

I looked forward again, taking in the hurt expression on the man’s face, and I sighed. “Maybe I better leave you two to talk.”

Samantha practically leapt from her chair. “No! I mean, no, CJ, you’ve had way too much to drink. You can’t drive home, besides, I thought you were starved.”

Leaning slightly to one side, I smiled. “Oh, I’m good, Sammy. I don’t feel too hungry now. Besides, I can drive. I’m not even slurring yet.” Taking a step forward to prove my point, I watched as the lights around me began to dance and I thought,huh, that’s weird. That’s when I felt myself collide with something solid, and I looked up, into the most alluring gold eyes. With a dopy smile, I said, “Hey sexy.”

Mathis smiled, but his eyes looked stern as he stood me upright. “You, ma’am aren’t driving anywhere right now. I suggest the four of us go grab a bite to eat, and then we’ll see if you’ve sobered up enough to drive.”

Staring into his eyes, I realized that I would probably do just about anything he told me to in my current state. With the alcohol influencing my mind, I leaned into him, and batted my eyes. “Will you fuck me again if I do?”

I heard a cough and a laugh behind me, but all I cared about was Mathis. His gold eyes dilated, and he groaned. “Shit, Callie.”

With his arm around my shoulder, Mathis escorted me from the bar, but I was grinning, because I knew it was not anger he was fighting right then. I had the feeling if we were alone he would have tossed me in his truck and found a dark place to give me exactly what I’d asked for.

The little dinner on the edge of town did, indeed help sober me up a little, and though I was still buzzed, I was sober enough to feel like an ass for my comment at the bar. Across the booth from me, Sam squirmed beside Steven, but I could see that he genuinely cared about her. He doted on her, and it was nice to see that, after witnessing my sisters train wreck of a marriage. Beside me, Mathis dug into his steak, his eyes straying to me periodically. I took small nibbles of my BBQ bacon burger, trying to ignore his sidelong looks, but with his thigh pressed against my own, I was a wreck. My thoughts strayed far too often to visions of him naked, and I couldn’t focus on anything.

During a lull in the conversation, Mathis nudged me with his elbow gently and asked, “So, Callie, why does Sam call you Calamity, or CJ?”

I winced visibly. Oh god, she hadn’t called me that in front of him, had she? Looking across the table, my eyes met the brown ones of my friend, and I lifted my brows questioningly. Samantha looked instantly chagrined, and I groaned because that was all the proof I needed. I took an oversized bite of my burger, to give me an excuse for not answering, but my friend took it upon herself to answer Mathis’s question.

“Well, I call her CJ sometimes, it’s kind of a nickname we started way back in fourth grade. Its short for her real name. Calamity Jane. Mostly though, everyone calls her Callie.”

I felt his eyes shift to me, and I snuck a peek at him, my mouth still stuffed with all the delicious juices of hamburger, BBQ sauce and grilled onions. I attempted a smile, and realized I must look like a pig, so I hurried to swallow. Mathis looked torn between annoyance and intrigue.

“Huh, when I first met you, I asked if your name was short for something, and you said no.”

Swallowing again, I cleared my throat and shook my head. “No, Mathis, that’s not exactly right. You asked if my name was short for California. It’s not, so I didn’t lie when I said no., I simply didn’t tell you what it is short for.”

The corner of his lips twitched slightly, and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Mathis shrugged as he said, “I’m not sure why you hide your name away. I think its adorable. Calamity Jane. Oh man, my mom’s gonna love you.”

His sentence caused an ominous silence to fall over the table as I stared wide eyed at him. Fortunately, it was broken when Samantha dropped her fork onto her glass plate, and the sharp noise drew my gaze to her. She was coughing, and for a moment, I thought she might be choking, but then I realized she was actually trying not to laugh, and I kicked her in the shin beneath the table.

“Ouch! What’d you do that for, C.A.L.A.M.I.T.Y?”

I narrowed my eyes at the way she drew my full name out. “I did it because you’re an ass, Samantha.”

She cough-laughed again, shaking her head slowly. “Sorry babe, but you’re so totally screwed.”

Mathis was leaning back in the booth watching the scene unfold, but now he directed a question at Steven. “Man, I feel like I’m missing something here.”

Steven shrugged and gave a little chuckle. “They’re chicks, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Trying to figure Sammy out gives me a headache, so I usually just figure that if she’s happy it’s all cool.”

Mathis shook his head. Glancing at me, he replied, “Yeah, that’s kind of the problem though. I can’t seem to make her happy enough not to try and run away every time I turn around.”

Across from us, Sam was looking at Steven in a way that made me feel like she was ready to jump into bed with him. To Mathis, she said, “That’s because Callie has commitment issues. She’s a runaway, so you’re better off either moving on, or getting used to chasing her around.”

I groaned. Some best friend she was being. “I think I’m about ready to call it a night, besides, Sammy and Steven have some things to talk about.” I waited for the look Samantha would undoubtedly send me, and when it came without fail, I winked, and began scooting toward Mathis and the edge of the seat, hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to go.