"Mind-link Melody, get her in here!" Clara's words were playful, but the meaning was not. She was serious. Kane continued to stare at Clara's chest until she slapped his arm. "Come on, tea?" Kane nodded his head quickly while he mind-liked Melody.

"Do you have any signs or symptoms of an Elf?" Clara's smile widened in approval, but I shook my head. "Nope, pretty human." Clara tickled her lips with her fingers. "Strange, Melody would know more about that."

"Melody can't come; she's out at a Fae Colony," Kane sat back in the chair again, taking his finger and dancing it around Clara's back.

"Holy shit, you might be part Elf," Dax whispered. "Can you talk animals?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"No? Never really tried either," I laughed.

"What about growing stuff? Can you touch plants, and they just grow like Ivy from Batman?" Dax was looking at my breasts, not even paying attention to my face.

"Dax," Dimitri snapped. "I'm pretty sure she would have noticed if anything like that happened. Shut it; you are bothering her."

Dax growled back, "Don't tell me what to do, baby," he cooed sarcastically. Dimitri stood up, his arms twitching. "The fuck you call me?" Dimitri's arm went out to grab Dax; stepping in front of Dax, I put my body flush with Dimitri.

"Calm down, Dimitri." I shot a look at Dax. "Dax, that wasn't nice," my scowl remained. "Both of you need to calm down. You are not enemies; you are brothers."

"Well done," Clara spoke, breaking our trance. The fight made me forget about my mates' parents watching her children fight. "Dimitri, Dax, I'm disappointed. You never fight. What is going on?" Both looked at me. I might be the problem. Letting out a breath, I knew I needed to bow out. Maybe talking to their parents would help.

"I'll give you guys a minute, huh?" Each one gave me a peck on the lips while I walked over to the cloth door, stepping out.

"Don't wander far," Dax warned.

Taking a deep breath, I walked forward to the bonfire in the middle of the pack. It wasn't' roaring like it did the night before; it was a nice slow burn. Sitting on the log, I stared into it. It was still early in the day; the pack busy with projects. Building houses, fixing porches, and cleaning. Many were running, punching, and sparing with each other. I watched intently from afar.

It looked like fun.

Glancing back at the tent, they were in a heated conversation, who knows how long it would last. Surely, they wouldn't need me for a while. A puff of cold air left my nose, slapping my legs with my hands; I stood up. I'm going to learn how to fight like the Wolves fight. One day, I will be one of them, and I wanted to kick ass too.

With a skip in my step, I jogged to the training grounds that were forty yards away. Not even daring to look back, I smiled at my choice. This was going to be fun.

The ground was still soft from the rain the night before and water from washing the blood away from last night's attack. I hid behind a large tree. Men and women were barely dressed. Men in basketball shorts, women in sports bras and leggings. Watching their moves, I began to mimic what they were doing. Jabs, pokes, and even kicks were moved into their actions to hit their opponent. It was close to the karate and jujitsu I had learned a few years ago.

"What are you doing?" A unique voice that carried authoritativeness hovered over my ears.

Chapter Thirty-Two


"Um,nothing,"Iquicklysnapped back to look at the sneaky intruder. I should have been more careful, my Dario Rinaldi could be anywhere, and I'm acting like a giddy little kid waiting for the ice cream truck.

Lonato grunted, folding his arms over his bare chest.

"Liar," he scoffed. "Do your mates know you are over here? Pretty sure they don't."

"Why do you say that?" I defended. I crossed my own arms, glaring at him with the same intensity he bestowed upon me. The edge of his lips twitched in amusement.

"Because two prince Alphas don't leave their unmark mate out in the open. It is either a trick to try and kill one of my men and me, or you really did give them the slip. Which is impressive."

I don't know if I gave them the slip; I wasn't exactly hiding from them. I just wanted to come to see what everyone else was doing without two males up my ass. I'm pretty sure that might happen physically than just the saying I was trying to use. "I just wanted to check out the training grounds, see if I can watch, and see how you guys do it."

Lonato scratched the back of his head. "Is that so? Well, I guess if you want to watch you can, but I don't think your mates would like you to practice with us. We are much stronger than you, and if we accidentally hurt you, it would be our heads."

I raised my nose, "they aren't the boss of me. If I want to train and try some of this sparing, I will. I'll kick their asses myself." Lonato let out a hardy laugh; it was so loud Wolves from the training grounds stopped to see what was going on. "She wants to train!" he yelled over the field. It wasn't meant to be a joke, but many felt it was. They cackled, whispering to each other. Lonato cleared his throat.

"I just thought it was funny you wanted to kick your mates' asses, not that training was such an awful idea." Lonato started to apologize, but I waved him off.

"I get it; it's fine." My lips set to a grim line. I stared at the she-Wolves laughing and giggling. It was a group of three, definitely fit and toned. Their abs glistened with sweat, their hair nicely planted on the top of their heads. The whispers were meant for me not to hear, but Lonato's grimacing let me know he heard. "What did they say?"