"Women having babies is a primal skill. Human and supernatural ancestors have it deep within them to help each other, to follow a body's cues. Dig deep within yourself and pull the woman out you are meant to be." I raised a brow; I guess she is trying her witchy ways to teach me a lesson here.

"Contractions will become quicker; the quicker they come, the closer we are to having a baby." Her body lay on her side, sweat started pebbling on her forehead. All was silent for a few more minutes until her stomach became rock hard again. A contraction, it was a contraction, I told myself, trying to remember anything from health class. I might have skipped over the birthing video, which was not the best decision my fifteen-year-old-self had made.

A whine left her lips, and a clear fluid began to pour under the mat. Do I dare ask if that is normal? Sensing my distress, Tua groaned. "Yes, it is normal." There were towels around her work area; grabbing a few, I helped clean up the mess and had her roll on her back. Bare from the waist down, I got my first glimpse of another woman's vajayjay. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, even with the remaining fluids being drained.

Werewolves, Werebears, and delivering a baby, what else does my life want to throw at me?

Not once did Tua tell me what to do; my mind began to take over. I cleaned her, put a damp cloth on her face, and fluffed pillows to keep her back from hurting. It went on like this for an hour, just small groans and me pushing on her back. It all came so naturally; I didn't understand where it was coming from. Was I really pulling my primal instincts? Or is she doing some voodoo magic?

"Do you want children?" Tua suddenly asked. My chest tightened while I massaged her hip.

"I don't know," I muttered. "I'm a pretty broken human compared to all of you. I really don't deserve to be here with all you fantastic people. I'm the unpolished stone in a sea of jewels."

"You are very caring, Seraphina. Humble even," her voice tone was low, staring into the candlelight. "A woman like you deserves those boys, this life, you might even deserve better. The goddess makes no mistakes when pairing souls." I pushed once more on her lower back, hearing her groan in appreciation.

"I'm no one, really. I haven't interacted with people other than my mother and tutors. I haven't done anything worth making me deserve any of this," I sighed. Tua grabbed my wrist and pulled me to face her. The sweat dripped from her face, contraction subsiding.

"And that is where you are wrong. You have the makings of a great leader and warrior. Look what you have faced just getting here. I heard the stories about the Bears; you faced the danger head-on even though you are just human. You're brave, understanding, and beautiful. The caring and nurturing, and love are already there. Look what you have done for me, and I have given you no direction. You will make an exceptional Luna." My heart warmed at her words. How does she know the right things to say? Rubbing the cloth over her forehead one more time, a light went off.

"Wait? Luna?" I questioned until a low cry left her lips. Rolling onto her back, Alpha Big Claw barged through the tapestry and sat by his mate's side.

"No longer," he growled. "I will be here for the birth of my son."

"Or daughter," she cried out again, holding her belly.

Having her bend her knees and spread them wide, the head was just approaching. Thank heavens it's head down. "Alpha, can you push her up, so she isn't flat on the ground?"

The hour was full of pushing, groans, yelling, and arguing from the couple. Wolves were howling outside, ready to hear about the new pup that was getting ready to be born, and my nerves were on edge. I had no training for this; what if something went wrong? Frustration brewed within me as I gathered the few supplies I thought I might need.

Not once did Dax and Dimitri approach the tent; did they think I was mad at them? Did they just give up on me? My eyes darted to the blowing tapestry several times, finally smelling their musky scent. The wind blew the blanket once more, and I saw Dimitri and Dax peek inside. Thank God they haven't left. My shoulders instantly relaxed, smiling at my boys.

Dax winked at me while Dimitri waved. "You got this," Dimitri threw a thumbs up, and the tiny bit of fear sunk back inside me. If they thought I could do it, maybe I could. My heart raced to hear Tua push one more time, and a thunderous cry pounded around us. Lifting the baby and swaddling it gently, it instantly cooed and grabbed my finger as I wiped away the extra debris.

I never thought of having children, not since hearing my life could very well be without. It didn't really matter to think of such things. I was too broken of a girl who couldn't get a decent man for my father to marry off. Not that I wanted to be married off, but every girl wants to hear they are beautiful in their father's eyes, worth something even.

Now seeing this tiny baby depending on me to carry it to its mother sparked a desire within me. One day I could do this; I could hold a baby in my arms and call it ours. Am I really thinking about Dimitri and Dax being those fathers? I could imagine no one else, and that thought filled me to the brim with warmth. They had grown on me in the short time we've been together. They gave me the extra love that I needed.

But what if I couldn't have children? If it really was true that they were Alphas and I would be their Luna, then they would need an heir. Would they still want me if I couldn't give them that? Any man in the mafia would get rid of me in a second. Pop me one-off in the head even. What poor soul was going to take that chance with me before I left?

Alpha Big Claw cleared his throat, and I looked up into their anticipating eyes. I hadn't noticed I had been crying, and instantly Tua asked if I was alright like I had pushed the baby out with my own body. "I'm so sorry," I sniffed. Handing the baby to Tua, they both unwrapped its lower region.

"A boy!" Alpha Big Claw's thunderous roar escaped the hut. Picking up the swaddled baby, he walked out, holding the baby up in the air for all to see. Hoots and howls filled the wind, and the weary mother leaned back on a stack of pillows.

"Congratulations," I whispered. Her eyes began to close as I helped clean up the mess.

As much as I didn't want to be in this hut, watching a woman give birth taught me a lesson that I would carry with me for a long time. She taught me grace, trust in myself and gave me the warmth I hadn't felt since the last time I saw my mother. However, the worst thing she could have taught me was how much I would want a child of my own, and she didn't even know she was secretly stabbing me in my heart.


The reluctance that Dax radiated was obvious. He didn't want to let Seraphina go; hell, I didn't either. Witches, though, they have things to say or not say. Witches know things that other supernaturals don't, a 6th, 7th, or maybe even an 8th sense, if you will. If Tua wanted her, it was for a good reason. The first time meeting Tua, I trusted her, and that says a lot about someone because Alphas don't trust easy.

"I know your reluctance," Alpha Big Claw reiterates yet again. "I think it will be good for her to talk with Seraphina. Tua mentioned she has burdens she is carrying, and her strength to the Earth is strong." Dax stood like an idiot, not understanding a word.

Filling my mind with possibilities of what that sentence could mean, Lonato and his friends walked naked to our group. Dax growled.

"Our mate doesn't need to see you, cover-up," he spat out while the men covered themselves. It was only natural for Wolves to walk bare, especially the males. Thought of Seraphina having only seen our cocks and only our cocks put our Wolves to the forefront.

"We have patrolled the Bear tribe; it appears that the Alpha Bear was unaware of what his younger Bears were doing, especially Jonas. Alpha Mason met us at the edge of his territory, sending his condolences and apologies. He also will be bringing a hundred pounds of deer meat at the edge of the pack lands by tomorrow morning."