"Yeah, maybe a water will do me some good, and I'll head home-"
"No, not until we go with you," Trey butted in. Trey was completely sober. He had only ordered a burger and fries while Zoey shot down three more shots. "Come on, Seraphina! Let's dance! Forget about mean and scary; he can't touch you when we hang out with the Wolves!"
Lonato and his friends raised their brows as Lonato pushed them over to their seats. "Wolves? Are they a gang or something?" I asked no one in particular.
"Yeah, exactly," Trey said. "Don't worry, Jonas won't do anything else. Just don't go anywhere alone. Besides, I'm sure you've got a gun on you somewhere or use some fancy moves on them." I wish I had brought my gun; my dress was too tight to bring in the smallest one I had. The only thing lethal were my car keys.
"Come on," Zoey pulled me dramatically to the dance floor, half dancing, half stumbling. Our whole table had gotten up; everyone was tipsy, borderline drunk as they swayed to some Cardi B. Zoey was rapping out songs and cursing so much I swear she was a different person. The gyrating hip thrusts were getting out of hand, she had already knocked me into three different people, and I had to apologize and swear to them I wasn't the one drunk.
Laughing it off, I headed back to the bar. I was parched, to say the least; after an hour of dancing, my legs were burning like a mother, and I needed a break. Sitting in a car tomorrow for a good ten hours was going to be heaven not having to move them on the long drive.
"Take a sip." Lonato sneaks up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright? I know I asked before, but Trey caught me up with what's going on." I nodded as I capped my water bottle.
"Yeah, it's fine. Once I leave tomorrow, it will be all the better. Jonas will forget about me and move on to someone else." I chuckled.
Lonato held out his hand, "well, then would the lovely lady like to dance? I'm here to shock the others by asking the prettiest girl in the bar since I don't normally do such a thing." His teeth were perfectly white as he gave a small smile. Smiles didn't look like this thing; he was just being friendly. The effort was nice, though.
I blushed, almost too much at his words nonetheless. It was just attention, the attention I didn't need.
He had given me no reason not to trust him but then again, no reason to trust him. He did save me from Jonas, but we were on his turf, his side of the bar. About to place my hand on his, a cold chill must have come through the doors. The night air was crisp and brought a chill to my skin. Before my hand landed on Lonato's warm one, he pulled away.
"Actually," he prolonged his word. "I need to head to the restroom." Lonato strode off faster than the rabbit seeing the turtle at the finish line. I cocked my head as he walked off; he was headed in the opposite direction of the bathroom and to his group of buddies.
"What the hell?" I whispered until Zoey ran right into me.
"Ser-ah! Look, it's that guy that Maryann was talking about!" I rolled my eyes and slammed my arm on the bar, ready to see this ‘godlike’ of a man she put it. I thought Lonato looked pretty nice; I couldn't believe someone else could be THAT good-looking. Yet again, I was wrong in my assumption because this guy was, in fact, godlike.
He sauntered in here like he owned the place. The small swag in his step would usually make a guy look cocky and damn ridiculous but this, this was something else. He wasn't trying to sway; he was just moving. Like his muscles were so large, his pants were tight around his legs and crotch, and don't get me started on that white, rolled-up dress shirt he had on. The first three buttons were undone, and a prickle of chest hair was poking out. He was swaying because he was built like a tank. A highly sexy armored tank.
Since when did my vision become so clear?
Not missing a beat, Maryann slammed right into us, breaking me away from my drooling stare, and slapped our arms violently. A best friend/girl thing? That was my guess, and I didn't like it.
"That's him, Seraphina! Isn't he steamy?" My mouth dropped again when a carbon copy walked in right behind him. The same everything, even right down to the gelled back midnight hair to those electric blue eyes except he had a black dress shirt. He threw the keys up, and the other twin grabbed them mid-air to put them in his pocket.
"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit," Zoey slurred as she hung on me.
"Sweet Mary and Joseph," I whispered under my breath. All the single ladies at the bar, I swear, opened their legs and immediately chanted, ‘fertilize my eggs.’ The estrogen in here was stifling as both of these men ordered two whiskies. They had yet to glance over, but there was no doubt of all the female and maybe male eyes raking their bodies. They knew they were hot; they didn't need any confirmation.
"I'm going for it," Maryann patted my shoulder. I nodded my head silently. How embarrassing, does her vagina hold all the liquid courage of the entire bar? No other woman even dared to approach these men. They were that hot. Touching the sun may have been slightly cooler.
Maryann swayed her hips as her finger walked down the bar. Zoey and I held onto each other not just for emotional support during the whole ordeal, not just the fact that Zoey could not contain her alcohol.
Moments passed as we watched Maryann speak with these men, their disinterest in her was apparent; even one of them had the balls to say no and was loud enough for the bar to hear. The music continued to play, but Maryann sauntered back as she held a slight smirk.
"They're gay," she flipped her hair. "Such a shame too, the way their pants are so tight I bet they're big."
Zoey squealed as she playfully hit Maryann, who stalked back off to the dance floor.
"You think they are?" I nudged Zoey. Zoey took another shot, one she should not be taking.
"Are they what?" Ugh, seriously the first time I need help with men, she gets wasted.
"Are they gay?" I pressed. Zoey squinted to look down at the long bar that held with stinky old men and pre-pubescent boys who had fake IDs.
"Nope," She popped the p as she took a swig of my water. My mind began to wander as I was openly eye-raping those men. They looked vaguely familiar yet different all at the same time.
"Why do you say that?" I pulled my bottle of water from her grasp.