"Goodgracious,whatwasthat?!" I shrieked as the ceiling above us began to vibrate. Enormous sounds of lightning striking the Earth, roaring, and even hearing the wind billowing above us was hard to overlook. Something was going on, and we had no clue what it could be.

Zoey gripped my shoulder, clueless to the noise above us. "Did that really just happen?"

I nodded my head, "of course it just happened; it is still happening! Just listen, woman!" Zoey waved her hand and walked straight up the cement steps, putting her hand on the cemented closed doors.

"He admitted it; he really did! Your plan worked." I shook my head, trying to keep the extra sound out of my ears. Did what work exactly? My mind was sprinting a mile a minute; there could be a war going on right above us, and not only that, but the opposing enemy also knows where our bunker is, thanks to Trey.

"What plan?" I sighed belatedly, rubbing both of my hands on my forehead. "What the hell are you talking about!?" Zoey's eye began to twitch, her fists at her sides until the fragmented lightbulb rose over my head.

"Ohhhhh," I drawled out. "Lonato?" Zoey stomped her foot like a child.

"Yessssss!" Her hands threw up in the air as she ran to me, holding me by the shoulders. Gently shaking me, she kissed both my cheeks. Pushing her away, I wiped away her kisses.

"What the hell are you doing?" Zoey shrugged her shoulders, a bit hurt that I would wipe away her affection.

"That's what they do in the mafia, right? Kiss each other on the cheek to seal the deal or a job well done?"

"The fuck is wrong with you, wench?!" I laughed hysterically.

"This isn't the Godfather, you turd; I'm happy for you, though. I took no part in making deals; I could care less what my stepdad did." Zoey's face blushed, her hand covering her mouth.

"Oh," she sighed. "Anyway, you got me, my man! I didn't think it would work, just have Soren as a bit of eye candy, but THIS?" Her hands waved all over her head. "I could never repay you for! How did you know it would work?"

"I didn't?" I mocked dejectedly, looking around the bunker. The kitchen area was covered with women preparing food. Something about Werewolves and food making everyone feel better. I swear I saw some chicken spaghetti casserole being put in a rudimentary oven and not to mention some cinnamon rolls. "I saw it a couple times watching some Hallmark movies; make the male lead jealous with another man, then BOOM!" My fingers flared while I squatted down. "Makes them mad to have their woman touched, so there you go. You are welcome. Now, help me figure out what's going on above us; all of our mates and best friend is up there fighting who knows what."

Zoey walked with me, her arm linked with mine; she was definitely a person that needed to be touched constantly. She would make an excellent Wolf for Lonato. Then again, I never saw Lonato with anyone; who knows what he will do when Zoey finally gets a hold of him. Her v-card needed to be swiped extra fast because she was a horny thing.

Tua was sitting on a half-made cot, nursing her still unnamed baby. Her eyes were not as gold as they once were and were actually concentrating on keeping her baby boy fed and happy. "How do you feel," I kneeled to her cot.

"Fine, fine, sorry to have troubled you." Tua’s hand waved in front of both of us, and a brief wave of calm came over our bodies.

"That was better than one of those edible brownies," Zoey whispered, sitting down in front of Tua.

"Aren't all brownies edible?" I raised a brow only to have Wolves behind me start giggling. Tua’s smile brightened, and her delicate hand was put on my shoulder. For a Luna, she was nothing but soft. I'm sure it her wolf was small, but that was her personality. Maybe the magic inside her was more robust than any Wolf that Selene could give her.

"Everything is fine up above; there is no attack. Big Claw just mind-linked me and will be opening the doors soon."

"Why not now?" Zoey swayed, grabbing on the side of the cot.

"Because the Wolves upstairs want the women to finish cooking so they can have a snack." Tua snorted, petting her baby's head.

"Sexist bastards," I whispered groaning. Tua brushed a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Why don't you go visit your mother, Queen Clara is with her and your father. She will need to go back to the medical ward once this is over." Standing up, Tua pulled my hand back down to whisper in my ear, her eyes rapidly turning gold.

"You will be going on a journey soon with your mates. Kiss your mother goodbye because when you return, you will not be the same." Tua’s eyes glowed as she spoke, but shook her head suddenly, staring at me with a strange look. "What did I say?" she whispered, her hand gripping my hand tightly.

"That I was going on a journey with my mates and to kiss my mother goodbye because I won't be the same when I come back?" I questioned.

Tua hummed, fingers playing with her lips. “Don’t take too much of that to heart, sometimes my lips move faster than my brain.” Tua shook her head. "Just go tell your mother hello." Her hand waved me away while Zoey still leaned against the cot. "She will be calm for a bit, she can't be spouting out nonsense when Lonato comes back, or it will freak him out. I'll watch her until he comes for her." Looking back one more time, I stood up and headed to the medical section of the sizeable four-corner room. Large drapes hid patients behind them, and everything was silent.

"Oh, she's here!" I heard my mates' mother call. "Come back here, please! Your mother has been asking for you since she has awakened!" Pulling the heavy drape back, I see my mother; her color was different. She was ashy, and her lips were trying to return to her signature rosy red she always had. My real father sat in the chair next to her on the floor, his head near her stomach while one protective hand held onto her arm.

"My little girl," mom whispered. "I'm so happy you are alright! You made it!" Smiling brightly at her, I took my place on the other side of the bed. "I ran as fast as you told me," I sniffed, finally sobbing. "Mom, what happened? Please tell me what happened?" Mom's hand brushed my father's hair. The wire beard didn't' feel stiff but soft and braided to a perfect point.

"This is the Elven warrior I would tell you about when you were just a little thing," she whispered. "I knew we were meant to be when I saw his green eyes met mine. He saw nothing but sadness when I buried my mother, but my soul knew he was the only one that could make me happy again. We had a fling," mom chuckled. "I couldn't resist him; I had to have him…" Mom swooned, kissing his rough hand.

"Okay mom, romantic and all, but I don't need to know the size of his manhood." Mom laughed hard, causing her to cough and wake up my father who was dozing in the chair. His eyes immediately went to her face, pulling her up to a sitting position.