Seraphina had been acting differently since defeating Liz. Her body was changing because of us, her mates, and her father being in the area. Her strength was more potent than that of a human, but she was still the same loving mate I've always had.
"I'll be sure to get to the bottom of it," I promised Folen.
Once we entered the central courtyard to the packhouse, the scene was filled with Bergarian warriors. The truck was back that I had left at the shop, being unloaded by many omegas, helping set up the make-shift homes for the entire pack. Men and women had brought their weapons, bringing them to the fire while many began to sharpen their blades. Swords, spears, and other rudimentary weapons from home may not be enough to stop the gas bombs we had encountered. Another thought occurred to me that the enemy may be expecting this; guns with silver bullets flashed through my mind.
Warriors wouldn't be able to withstand it. Alphas have a hard enough time with silver planted into their bodies. "Dimitri!" I heard a squeal from behind me. It was all too familiar, and Declan perked his ears up, yipping.
"Mom," I turned, her short stature causing her head to hit the middle of my chest.
"You have grown! Look at those muscles!" she poked at my biceps while I laughed. Dad was right behind her, pulling her back into his arms.
"Hmm, your muscles aren't as weak as I thought," he said in his gruff voice. I laughed, knowing that Dad had his own way of complimenting. He slapped his hand on my back and pulled me into a hug. "Congratulations on finding your mate," he whispered. "The best gift you will ever receive." I smiled, giving him another strong hug.
"I'm glad you are both here," I looked to Folen, looking helpless with Seraphina's mother in his arms.
"This is Folen, Seraphina's biological father, along with Seraphina's mother, who we thought was dead. She had been captured and is barely hanging on," my hand went to pick up Savannah's hand. The pulse was still weak, cold, and clammy.
Mom gasped, walking towards Folen. "It is nice to see you again; we have been trying to find the mysterious warrior of the Elven Territories, I should have realized you might be the same warrior Elf we fought with all those years ago. I think I might be losing my mind.”
Folen bowed his head. "Thank you, your Majesty. No, not many Elf warriors around anymore. Not since the Dark War." Mom sighed heavily; flashes of gore from the battlefield before I was born must have filled her memories.
"My daughter, Melody, had many Witches hunt for you, but they all said you were not in the Bergarian realm; we had hoped you were here. I'm glad the goddess has led us all together." Mom smiled, brushing Savannah's hair away from her face. "Let's get her to the pack infirmary--" Mom's breath hitched.
"She is poisoned."
Mom's gift, given by the goddess Charis when she was just a baby, had helped calm my father's brutal temper, but also evolved into healing flesh wounds. Mom's aura alone could help tame the harshest of beasts. When a Witch helped enhance her powers, Mom's power broke into a powerful healing ability that should not have progressed until she was at least a thousand years old. Old royal Werewolves were known for magic abilities, but it was rare for mom to be so young.
"It will take some time to get rid of the toxin; we must hurry. Her pulse is weak." Folen nodded while Mom took the lead. Dad pulled her into one last kiss before she brushed his cheek.
"Take care of the pack, babe. I'll be in the clinic; I won't leave without telling you." Dad sighed, kissing mom's palm. They had an unspoken agreement, one in which mom gave up most of her freedom and always let Dad know where she was.
He almost lost her in the Dark War; the rampage he brought upon the battlefield was written in the history books as his fiercest battle. He almost died, along with mom, but their love for each other kept them alive.
"Where is your brother?" Dad spoke harshly. "There is a disturbance on the northern end of the territory. Bears are roaming the area, and we don't know if they are rogue or friends from the neighboring territory."
"With Seraphina," I spoke until harsh footsteps came up behind us.
"Dax," I bid hello. His hair was disheveled, dirty from yesterday tracking Seraphina into the woods. His body language was a slump, not the usual shoulders back with pride.
"Dad," he gave him a hug, a few pats on the back. "Glad you are here." Dad hummed in agreement.
"I'm taking a squadron up to the northern part of the territory. Tend to your mate." Dax shook his head.
"No, I'm coming with you. I need to run." Dad looked Dax up and down, nodding his head while he went to the rest of the warriors to give a briefing.
"Seraphina is in bed sleeping. You tend to her for a while." Dax stomped off, visibly upset.
What the hell?
He never left Seraphina and would spend every moment by her side, given a chance. My fists tightened, eyes narrowed. Something was wrong; I felt it pulling in my chest. I raced up the stairs, ignoring all the "welcome backs." Once I stood outside the double doors to our suite, I heard sobs on the other side.
Pushing the door open harshly, Seraphina is on her knees, sitting on the bed. Tears were running down her face, weeping uncontrollably. "Baby, what is wrong?" I ran to her, engulfing her in my arms.
"Dimitri?" she questioned, her lashes full of tears; I pet her head. Her legs were dirty, her feet scratched up, and a mess. What the hell? Did Dax not take care of her last night? I held onto her tightly while her fists pulled at my shirt.
"I'm so happy you are back; I was so worried." I shushed her, rocking her slowly.
"I'm here now; everything is fine. Did you not think I would come back?" She shook her head.