Dominic took over before I could blink. Our body half shifted us into the beast my father turned into when he was young. The pain was incredible, nothing like my first shift into my Wolf. Skin ripping from my body, hair coming out matted and black. Howling, my voice changed with a mixture of Dominic and mine. This new beast's body was bloodied by the time it was over, my claws as long knives raked across the dirt.
Wolves kept themselves low to the ground, not understanding what was happening. Being of my father's blood granted me the ability to half shift. It was a gift given to him long before he met my mother. It was unheard of to half shift unless you were born royalty; my father wasn't. The gods granted him this ability, knowing he would be mated to a future queen. No one had any idea until he finally mated to my mother.
My father, Kane, came from the most robust pack of fighters in all the realm. Now I had experienced my first half shift at the age of thirty, twenty years sooner than my father did.
I wanted to celebrate this moment and be proud to tell my father come tomorrow. He has waited for this moment for one of his sons to succeed. It was the rage that fueled me that granted me this gift. Dimitri would be envious.
I couldn't celebrate, however, because my mate decided to be some bad-ass heroine and put herself in danger. In ways I couldn't understand, I found it incredibly sexy that she would defy me; no one defied my brother and me. Only she could; she had the choice to obey or deny since she was our mate, our Luna. Seraphina had her own authority.
Roaring with an intensity that I had never brought to the surface, everyone stood up, bowing at Dominic and I's new power. We huffed, running through streams to clean the blood off my fur. The wind blew past our ears, hearing every leaf fall onto the forest floor. The tinkling of the brooks that tangled with the river not far from here came into my perfect hearing.
Soren had mind-linked Alpha Big Claw, letting him know that Seraphina had crossed the border. She was to be in my bed, sleeping. I gripped my claws, piercing my skin. She disobeyed; she wouldn't listen to me. Did she not trust me?
Once we arrived, she cowered in fear. I didn't want to scare her, but Dominic was in control now. Our obsession fueled the fire; she could have been hurt, killed, kidnapped, or worse. Made to be someone else's mate by force. May the gods have mercy on anyone's soul that tries to claim what's mine.
Once we had arrived back at the packhouse, Seraphina still shook in dread. Her body quivered, but so did her arousal. Her body asked for one thing while her mind told her another. The gods had given agency to all supernaturals and humans; they could deny a bond if they so choose, just like that bitch Liz to Soren.
I couldn't speak to Seraphina; my words would have become harsh, and I could not be held accountable now. Primal instincts took over while I pulled her into my chest. Her scent of ginger calmed me; my fangs ached to claim her to keep her, to hold her. If we were bonded, I could find her anywhere; my heart would lead me through the thickest forest, the darkest cave, to find her.
My fangs pierced into Seraphina's shoulder to sate Dominic, our marking spot we would claim. It wasn't deep enough to claim, just enough to keep her still. Not once did she protest; in fact, she relaxed entirely. Humming to myself, I licked the bits of blood that threatened to fall behind her back. Gripping her tighter, holding her close, I knew she wouldn't leave me here.
No one could take her from me; she was safe. Dominic curled up in my mind, feeling her near us. Seraphina was hell's fire; she was her own independent woman. The goddess granted two of us because she needed two men to look after her.
My little warrior.
Soft snores came from her. My face was impossibly close, but I wanted closer still.
Both sets of parents would be arriving at daylight; even with the excitement of the pack gaining hundreds of warriors, Dimitri and I will need to take Seraphina. Dominic could not stand it any longer. If Seraphina consents, we will take her. Dimitri would have not questioned it in the slightest once he hears about Seraphina's plot.
Chapter Forty-One
Atfirstlight,Folenpacked up his supplies while Savannah slept; her skin coloring looked worse from the first time I saw her. Her breaths were shallow, and her skin was frigid. "I'll get her down. We will leave the tent here; I would like for her to see the pack's healer as soon as possible." Folen's eyes raked over Savannah's body. Her body was covered by many furs, but she still shook.
"My mother is on her way; she will be able to heal her. It may take a while to stabilize her, but she would have no problem healing. Especially since it is Seraphina's mother." Folen gave a grateful, soft smile, shoving the rest of his belongings into his bag.
"Let's go, my little mate," Savannah's eyes fluttered. Still, a moment after Folen settled her into his arms, Savannah fell back asleep. If Seraphina had ever been in such a state, I'm not sure what my Wolf would do. Folen was a graceful Elf; most of them were. They had much better handling when it came to resting the body and understanding the earth, the soil.
Folen's hand touched the tree, branches from above circled him and his mate, and the limbs grabbed hold of his waist only to gently put them on the ground. My Wolf immediately growled at the thought of branches touching us. We were not keen on being in the trees; he merely had us jump the thirty feet down, landing on the balls of our feet.
"Show off," Folen spoke, shuffling Savannah in his arms. We began our walk through the wood; the sun just touched the top of the trees. "Wolves are meant for the ground, not speaking with the trees," I stated jokingly.
The closer we approached the territory, the clearer my mind became. I was able to mind-link Dax, who was still lying in bed with Seraphina. Dax didn't say much, only to cut me off, telling me our parents and the rest of the warriors had arrived. Shrugging my shoulders in relief that we would soon be better protected, Folen spoke up.
"Your brother scared my daughter yesterday," Folen's eyes remained on the path. "I would have thought your mother would have taught him better." His jaw clenched, holding his mate. My confusion was evident; I had no clue what he was talking about. Seraphina wasn't one to become scared so easily; she took care of the Werebears like a champ, understood what we were in just twelve hours, and accepted us as well. How could she be scared?
"I don't understand," I spoke. "Seraphina isn't the type to get scared so easily," Folen grunted, his stern face rubbed over Savannah.
"Seraphina was trembling; I know you both would never hurt her, but I will not stand by and watch her be scared of her mate. You need to talk to your brother. If she feels like her life is at risk, I won't stand for my daughter to be mated to a monster."
The fuck? Was this the same Dax we were talking about? Dax loved Seraphina, so much that he kept that emotion hidden as not to frighten her away. "He barely spoke to her while she trembled, finally slinging her over his shoulder and walking away. I could do nothing, he was a prince, and it was not my place to take my daughter back. However, if I see her tremble in fear again, I won't stand by."
"I understand," I said almost speechless. "I will speak to Dax; this doesn't sound like him at all. We have done nothing but doted on her the day we met." My hand went through my dirty hair. What could have happened in just those few hours I was gone?
"I know he was angry she didn't listen to him, escaping her room and looking for you, but it was for good intentions. She has warrior blood in her, strong blood. It will only get stronger as I am closer to her, around her race. As far as other powers she may or may not have, I'm not sure. I'm no supernatural geneticist."