"I'm Soren, her friend. I'm supposed to be watching her while she trailed the territory lines while she hunts for her mate…"

"You must be going against a direct order from your superior," father darted his head towards me.

"Who makes you the Red Wolves’ Alpha the boss over me? I've got two mates already, and you just showed up," I snapped. "I'm looking for my mate, he could be in danger, and I wasn't going to sit by and wait for some messed up Italian boss to take him away from me." My feet, planted in the ground, grew hot, the soil glowed brighter.

Why had he been gone for so long if he was my father? I had no word that he was my father for the longest time other than a damn dream; a memory had to resurface on its own for me to know. Then my mother lied about it my whole life. I didn't know if I should be sad or angry; I was a mix between the two. Frustrating, utterly frustrating.

My father's eyes softened while my lip trembled. I was strong; I could handle this. I didn't need many alpha men coming to my rescue, I had done fine on my own the past year, and I would prove to them all.

"You fight too much on your own, Seraphina." His hand came down on my shoulder. "You are no longer alone; your mother and I are here now; that is all that matters. I have watched you from afar as you grew; even though I have not been present in your life, your mother made sure you were trained enough for my world."

Tears welled up in my eyes; they wouldn't fall, not here. "There is much to tell; we will wait until I can move Savannah tomorrow. The night is too dangerous. Your mother will be happy to see you, as well as your other mate." My father put his hand behind my back leading back to the borderlines.

My mom was alive?! Dimitri was with her too?! Everything was working out; everything was becoming real. I would have a real family, and my mates were safe. My grin exploded, almost squealing at the idea of everyone being together tomorrow.

"I wasn't kidding when I said you were in deep shit, Seraphina. Your mate is coming, and he's in on a rampage." Soren spoke as he looked in all directions, waiting for Dax to jump from a hidden bush.

"You gotta stick up for me, or he will kill me." My father laughed, patting Soren’s shoulder.

"You are fine; if Seraphina wishes for you not to be killed, he won't. She hasn't mated with him, yet she has plenty of leverage."

Oh, my dad was evil. What an idea.

The crunching of leaves, pounding of the earth came to our ears. It sounded of a hundred angry feet coming towards us. The whole league of warriors was headed this way, Soren duct behind me and my father, who stood like this was an everyday occurrence. My body couldn't help but shake, waiting for Dax to show up. I've never seen him absolutely livid. Sure, he was angry when I was sparing with the Wolves, but he sounded like a demon from the sounds of heavily padded beats to the soil.

Among the bushes, waiting for his black wolf to show up, I wasn't greeted with my Bambi, no, it was much worse. Bambi was significant for a Wolf, but this was huge. He stood at least seven or eight feet tall, on two paws with claws flowing from its fingers. It was everything I thought a Werewolf was until I met Dimitri and Dax. It was much scarier though, his jaws were large, teeth overhanging with saliva. The growls were deeper, a mixture of Dax's voice and the Dominic's. Surely this could not be my Dax, but his smell was just the same, old leather.

I clutched onto my father's vest. While I tried to go behind him, my father held me to his side. His arm went across his chest as he kneeled and bowed. "Prince Dax, it is an honor. I am Seraphina's biological father." Growls escaped Dax; I couldn't get over the power he radiated. Mumbling under my breath earlier about kicking his ass was out the window now. Dax could crush me with one swipe of a claw.

His hot breath steamed around his face, barely covering his black eyes. My knees shook; there was no way my cuddly Bambi was under the sprouted fur with sticks and debris matted between its fibers.

Father looked up, frowning, his knees still kneeled into the dirt and arm over his chest. "Your highness, with all respect, your mate is terrified." Noticing I hadn't breathed in who knows how long, I stepped back away from Dax, almost tripping over Soren, whose nose was in the dirt.

Dax stomped over, not even bothering to look less menacing. "You disobeyed." No response from me. What could I say? It was a mistake? It was, but I couldn't help it. Someone I loved was missing, and I haven't even told him yet. I did a major f-up, and I had no way of getting out of this one. I should have listened, but I would have been left all night up and wondering if Dimitri was alright.

The real question was, what would he do to me? Dax's nose came up to mine, closing my eyes to not look into dark pools of his eyes. Tension in the air was hot around us while he stood hunched over, breathing into my face.

"Your highness," my father broke the few seconds of silence. "Dimitri is safe, he is with Seraphina's mother, but she is sick. I plan to go back and retrieve them and bring them to the territory at first light if you grant me permission." Dax stuck his nose into my hair above my shoulder, heaving in a large breath. Standing upright, not taking his eyes from me while I finally opened them, "granted," the soil vibrated, along with my core. My body was a traitor. Who knew you could be terrified and turned on at the same time?

Looking at my father for help, he chuckled, running back into the woods without a second glance. Soren was slinking back to the pack of Wolves that had arrived, shifting and hiding amongst the furry bodies. "Back to your stations," Dax grumbled, bending over his tall form, picking me up throwing me over his shoulder. I didn't fight; I laid limp over his shoulder while he held onto me tightly, stomping through the woods.

Wolves scattering, Dax gripped my legs tighter to his muscular chest. "You know the human world," his voice vibrated through his chest. I dare not say his voice made me wet because the vibrations were so deep while my lady parts sat near his chest. He'll smell it soon enough.

"You do not know the supernatural world. You could have been killed easily. Just one fight with a slutty she-Wolf warrior doesn't make you an expert." I bit my lip; my head and arms lay limp, swaying back and forth. He had a tail in this form; it wasn't cute and fluffy like it usually was.

"Are you listening?" He yelled.

"Yes, Sir," I whispered. Defeated, I wiped a stray tear. Mom told me to fight; she was more tender than I was. She tried to train with me, but her heart wasn't into it. Mom told me to learn for the both of us. My father's blood really ran deep within me because I wanted to kick some ass. He was a damn warrior, no doubt with his muscular body.

I sighed heavily; Dax's hold loosened as we approached the packhouse. He could have gotten us home much quicker, but his anger needed a walk. His steps became lighter as we approached; warriors nodded while their prince didn't bother to look at them.

Not even shifting back, he drug me up the stairs, slinging me on the bed. His half-shifted form was massive, still scary in my eyes while I backed away. Was Dominic in control or Dax? Either way, I was in deep poo.

Dax's bones began to crack, shifting and standing back in front of me in his human form. Feeling more comfortable, I pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging myself while he went to put on a pair of shorts. Without another word, he laid on the bed, pulling my back to his chest. His fangs still hanging from his mouth, going over my shoulder, piercing the skin. Drops of blood dripped down my shoulder. It wasn’t deep, just the first few layers. The physical pain wasn't near the emotional one I felt. I went against him, but it was for a good intention to save his brother, my mate.

Dax's arms held onto me tightly; there was no way I was going anywhere, not that I wanted to. If I moved slightly, his jaws clamped tighter to my shoulder. Doing the only thing I could do, I relaxed my body and drifted off to sleep with my angry mate making sure I didn't move for the rest of the night.
