Pure gold; I will use this when I really want something. Dax shook his head, pulling me back down the hall.

"Yes, most supernaturals bite," he continued as if nothing happened.

"Most?" I questioned.

"There are always other species we don't know about. Sure, you have Shifters, Fae, and Vampires, those are the main ones. We don't mess with Ogres and Orcs that come out of a whole other forest no one dares goes into; no one knows much about them. It's in the deep south past the Vermillion Kingdom. There is still a lot of places to explore over there, if you’re brave enough to go searching,” Dax winked.

My eyes about bugged out of my head. A whole area that the supernaturals don't know about?! How freaking amazing.

"Like I said, anyway." Dax interrupted my thoughts. "Yes, we bite. The gods made us that way because it is intentional to bite someone. You have to bite hard to make the bond. Supernaturals love to have sex," his eyes narrowed, "there are many that can't control their animals or decided not to try before they meet their mate. If the gods created us just to have sex to mate, it would be a mess." He shook his head. My hand squeezed his, leaning my face on his arm.

"I'm glad you waited then; having an Alpha Wolf must be hard?" Dax shook his head.

"Not when the thought that having my mate who was made for me was out there somewhere." Dax stopped in front of two large mahogany doors; they reeked of pine and sap even with the beautiful varnish. His warm lips touched me, my arms wrapped around his neck, leaning into his hard body. "And I'm damn glad I waited too."

My heart responded, thumping hard and steady against my chest. Who knew Bambi could have a way with words?

Dax's hand pushed on the door. The room was dark while we entered. Lights were slowly illuminated, and the whole room lit up. It took several seconds for the space to be bright because it was vast. Each wall was lined with shelves, filled with books upon books. Not just any books, old books, diaries, encyclopedias on the supernaturals, the gods of The Celestial Kingdom, Angels, Demons, Underworld, The Dark Forests, The Golden Light Kingdom, Cerulean Moon Kingdom, the list went on and on while my finger grazed each row.

In the center of the room held a large chandelier full of lit candles; I wasn't sure how they ended up getting lit. "A few Light Pixies," Dax whispered behind me. Gasping, the little heads popped out of the hole in the crown molding on the other side of the room. Tiny heads and wings fluttered until they sat on the chandelier, looking at us from above.

They glowed brighter than the candles; as their lips moved, no words came out. The little tinkling of bells rang through the air while they laughed. "This is some Beauty and The Beast mashed up with Peter Pan." I spoke a little too loud. Dax's arms wrapped around behind me while I continued to stare.

"Are there more here, on Earth?"

"There are some, not many. They must hide from humans. These Light Pixies are friends of Tua; she used to live in Bergarian, they grew up with her. They didn't want to let some Alpha take her away from them."

The Light Pixies flew down, standing three feet away from us on the desk table. Each one had its own style of clothing. One had gold fabric just covering her breasts with a short skirt. The other two were male, wearing high water pants and no shirt. Their heads moved side to side, whispering to each other. They were just as intrigued looking at us as we were. We watched them dancing around the table since we made them bored. They were happy, worry-free, kicking papers off the desk, picking up pens that were almost too large trying to write.

"They are a bit dense," Dax whispered. "But most have good intentions." I laughed, watching them until they flew back up to the crown molding to go where they needed to.

"They are mates together," he half mentioned, going behind the desk. A large basket full of food appeared, and my stomach growled in response. No use trying and hiding it; he can hear everything, right? Dax threw me an apple.

"Why don't you go find a book, and we can read together?" I just about died. Does he want to read with me? Dax didn't leak the aura of the 'reading type,' but damn, I was going to take his offer. I ran to the Bergarian history section, twiddling my fingers in excitement while taking a massive bite out of an apple. Grabbing the biggest book I could find, I brought it over.

Dax took the liberty to move the glass coffee table that sat in the middle of the room; the two oversized sofas were pushed together, creating a perfect reading nest. The large basket sat in the middle, filled with sandwiches, pasta, steak, anything you could think of. I couldn't just pick one thing; I wanted to take a bite out of each one. Maybe even a taste out of Dax. Giggling silently to myself, Dax helped me step over the armrests, pulling me to his lap.

Rubbing my hands together, I looked over the food again. "What do you want to eat first?" Dax's nimble fingers ran up my side, to my hip, and under my shirt to my nipple, making it hard.

"I think I know," I heard a strange note in his voice which made me question if we really were to eat dinner.

Chapter Thirty-Six


Daxpushedthebasketto the side of the make-shift bed. His shirt came off in an instant without warning. Low-pitched noises and growls came from him; the voice I had heard earlier still rang in my ears. He was talking to himself or to someone. Fudge, he isn't possessed by a demon, is he?

"My little mate," his sexy, deep voice was turning my lower region to a raging faucet even though I wanted to laugh. Nothing about me was little; then again, he was close to seven feet tall, giving me ample room to grow if I wanted.

"Dax?" I trembled. My voice had gone weak, a trait I wasn't known for, but damn I love the radiating aura this man was emitting. Is this what other wolves felt? The pressure on your chest to obey his every word when he commanded you? My pussy was all tingly inside.

"Not, Dax," My back was on the cushion, backing away slowly using my elbows; he watched my every move. His arms moved in front, crawling towards me with his bare torso and tight jeans. His fangs were lowered, biting into his lip until I hit the armrest. "Dominic," he purred, his nose lifted into the air-breathing intensely. "You are my mate," I shuddered at the possessiveness of his voice.

"Are you Dax's Wolf, then?" He nodded, a clawed finger tracing down my cheek.

He stared at me longingly, intently planning his next move. My breath continued to breathe in and out slowly. My heart couldn't keep up, and the sense of urgency drove me to kiss him. Sitting forward, my lips connected to his. Spirals of ecstasy ran through me, the pit of my stomach tied up in knots as his hands pulled, tugged, and ripped at the shirt I wore.

Once I was bare in just my bra and underwear, he forced my lips open, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. My breasts pressed into his chest, and an appreciative groan growled within him. With my hands in his hair, his fingers fumbled with my bra for a second too long, and it was ripped from my chest. His tongue was collected back into his mouth, and he began planting tantalizing low kisses into the hollow of my neck.