"Challenge over. Luna Seraphina is the winner!" Lonato took a cloth, rubbing his sweaty forehead. "Thank the gods," he whispered. The crowd cheered, pulling me up having me sit on their shoulders. Young pups waved their sticks around, blood still dripping from my mouth. It was nasty, all of it was straight-up gross, but I won.

A few bruises here or there, my head and back were really scratched up from being drug around the ring, and the nasty dirt burn on my arm. I started this fight to piss off a she-wolf that couldn't keep her mouth shut. That was shut down when Soren accepted a rejection from his mate. I won for Soren, a friend who stood up for me. Soren was the one that lifted me up on one shoulder while Lonato had the other. Soren looked up, and a smile graced his face, but I felt so incredibly guilty. If I didn't fight, he would have a mate. Then again, did he want her? Don't Wolves try and claim each other right away? I wasn't sure how that worked.

Soren's hand squeezed mine in reassurance. Could he feel the turmoil in my heart right now? Enormous roars were heard at the top of the hill overlooking the training area. All the Wolves bent down into a kneeling position, almost making me fall flat on my face.

Looking down at us were my two very scary mates. The joyous occasion of my first Werewolf fight had ended, and the angry princes glared at all of us below. Dax was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling with the beat of his heart. Dimitri's forearms flexed, showing his meaty muscles.

They may be mad, but damn they were hot.

And now I'm wet.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Myboysweresittingclose to each other, but they couldn’t be farther apart. Dimitri’s hair was disheveled, not normal for his usual sharp-looking appearance. Dax was breathing heavily, unable to keep his wolf under control. This wasn’t like them, my beautiful boys. I have to admit, I spoiled them rotten growing up, especially Dimitri since he was such a momma’s boy. He loved sitting with me while I spoke to omegas having trouble finding their mates or controlling their wolves.

Their pregnancy was tough on me, which led to Kane not wanting to have more children. I would have gladly had more, but between the four children I had along with a bedridden pregnancy, I couldn’t continue my duties not only to the kingdom but to my family. If we were omegas or even warriors, I would have entertained the idea. However, even with a difficult pregnancy Kane’s wolf couldn’t stand for me to be discomforted.

Dax crawled out of me a whole month early, his arms were thick with muscle at an early age. His cry was a roar when he finally arrived at my breast, ready to be comforted by me. Immediately he calmed, my calming ability granted by the goddess Charis was great in that aspect. Dimitri arrived in the world with a small cry. He was not weak by any means. He was a calm child, only cried when hungry, wet or dirty. He loved to be swaddled and being his mother, it only pleased me. They were my last babies; they would always hold a special place in my heart. My two boys, now men have their own problems now and it hurt me to see them this way.

Not once did they fight growing up. They were two peas in a pod, very different peas at any length, but they were different. Dax the ever brooding, strong willed and thought only with his muscles. Dimitri was thoughtful, more reserved and calculating. Their souls were perfect for each other, the perfect combination of both Kane and I.

I sighed heavily looking at them distressed. Having found their mate, I had hoped it would only sate Dax’s beast a bit more and have Dimitri be more assertive when addressing his older brother, but that was worthless. They were torn apart, and I couldn’t figure out why.

“Dax, Dimitri, what’s wrong?” I asked quietly. Kane held onto me, waiting for his sons to answer. Kane never was one to talk about feelings to anyone but me, he did some with his children but his fierce protectiveness over them was stronger. Wanting them to be faster, stronger in the physical sense while I concentrated on emotions. It was my calling essentially anyway.

Dax squirmed in his seat, I smiled watching him get upset. He never liked to talk either. He was a replica of his father. All physical and no speaking. “It’s just hard,” he groaned. “I know Seraphina is human and we should take it slow like Dimitri said. Then I get angry when Dimitri is there, I want her to myself.” Dimitri nodded at his statement.

“I just want us all to get along, Dax is overbearing. I don’t want to start fights; I want him to be happy, but at the same time my wolf calls to Seraphina. We want our time too.”

I hummed in agreement. “Have you talked to Seraphina about this?” Dax shrugged his shoulders, looked at Dimitri for words.

“We thought she wanted to go slow, she was nervous about her body. We agreed, but then things escalated after the rogue attack yesterday. We both wanted her, she never said no. In fact, I think she liked what we did to her.” Dax grinned mischievously.

“Hell yeah, she did. She was a moaning mess,” Dimitri added, Kane laughed out loud.

“That’s my boys,” he growled playfully. “The bond is working; she will open up faster than you think. Just know if she says not to do something, don’t do it,” he scowled. Dimitri and Dax both shook their heads. They were taught very young not to force anything. No means no.

“Now that we know that there is a possible father figure who is an Elf, she might be feeling the bond a bit more strongly,” I stated. “Supernaturals feel it more, it is just a fact. What worries me is that her mother may not have been bonded to her father. She was conceived out of a bond, yet they were still mates, it sounds.” Kane sat back, rubbing my outer thighs. Both the boys looked on expectantly. They were thirty years old, a good age in human years, but the information about supernaturals was unlimited. Even in the years, I had been with Kane, I didn’t know everything. If anyone would know about mixed bonds it would be our daughter, Melody.

Once she knew I was once wolfless and that interspecies bonding had become popular, she dug herself into her studies. Melody was always my little book worm.

“I’ll take care of figuring out Seraphina’s background. She said her mother’s name was Savannah?” The boys nodded while I wrote down on my small notepad. “Last name Rinaldi,” I whispered. The boys looked at each other, mind-linking each other most likely. They had never fought, not once they had their own emotions to take care of. Two boys tied by one soul, now they were adding another to their duo. Their mate, it would take time.

“What about you both take Seraphina on a date, separately. Show her your Wolves again. Treat her as you are in fact two people, because you are. Just because you share a soul, doesn’t mean you can’t like and do different things. You both, of all people should know this. Show her what she is getting into before you both mark her at the same time. I know you can work together on marking her but time alone is important too.” They both nodded eagerly. I’m glad they liked the idea, their faces lightened shaking each other’s hands. Good, getting their fill of Seraphina individually will help their raging Wolves.

Kane’s erection was jabbing my booty, I’d been on the call long enough.

“Thanks, Mom,” Dimitri grinned. Kane nodded at both the boys.

“We will see you soon, boys. Go spar with the other Wolves, not each other. Get rid of the rage.” Dax gave a mock salute as the crystal went blank.

Before I could put my pen down, Kane had pounced me causing us to fall off of the white padded vanity bench. We landed on the fur rug on the floor. It was his favorite place for his Wolf, Torin, to lay and now Kane had me pinned under him.

“Shitaki Mushrooms, Kane!” I squealed laughing. “You can’t do that!” Kane’s nose went straight for my neck, open mouth kisses sucked on my skin, trailing down to my deep marking spot. He sucked hard, teeth scraping my skin. A moan left me, encouraging him to continue his assault. His erection dug deep into my inner thigh, my fingertips scraped his now bare sides. Shivers ran through his tattooed skin.