Whathadcomeoverme? My body hungered for the both of them, like a big juicy steak and baked potato. I needed to fill starvation I didn't know I had. The heat of their bodies, the lust in their eyes don't get me started on how their electric blue eyes instantly changed color when their hands were put on my curvy body. The tight fingers gripped my hips. Possessive, starving, and ravenous. Animals, they were straight-up animals.
And I liked it.
No, I loved it.
No man had ever made me feel the way they do. That was an instant giveaway at the bar. I knew I was inexperienced in the male field, but they could just light my fire.
Their stomachs were ripped, sculpted, and tanned. My fingers ached to run through the slight bit of body hair that had grown there. I've seen pictures on social media; some women liked a good, shaved man. I liked the hair; I wanted them raw and unbridled. They were my stallions with tattooed, taunt, and thick burly arms. Arms that would wrap around my body, giving my core an ache I never knew it could have.
And their backs, heavens, I never knew a back could be sexy. There were ridges, cuts of lean hard meat, and sinews that rippled under their skin. When they finally came back to the cellar after finding me beating Trey to a pulp, I couldn't help but stare at the gate of their walk. Alphas, they were true-blooded Alphas.
It was either this bond they talked about or my own feverish sexual desire to have them touch me, for me to feel them. I can't consider myself a slut, and I don't. They have yet to touch another woman besides me, which gave me comfort. They waited for me and luckily I never will have the chance to know another man. Because these two were incomparable to any others, in my heart, I knew that.
What shocked me the most was my boldness; the lust haze to please them penetrated me into a deep place. It shook me, but in a delightful way. Dimitri's shaft rubbed through my chest; the friction between my breasts didn't turn me on in the slightest, but seeing his cock jutting towards me did. Dax took care of the damp petals of my womanhood just fine. The visuals, the touches, it was so much. I had an urge to touch him, taste him.
His cock was a thick swollen masterpiece. Who knew I would describe a shaft like that? They were supposed to be ugly, but to me, it was the steely length that could bring me pleasure in so many ways. His bulging erection, the come that dripped between my breasts, gave me hunger. Once I knew he was close, I couldn't help but take his raging erection and put it into my mouth. It was salty; it was musky with the hint of a good whiskey burn. It tasted of him.
I wanted to taste Dax too, did he have the same taste? Did his thrusting hardness on my pussy taste like the old leather-like he smells? One day I would find out, but today wasn't that day. My haze fell quickly, and the last moments came to the forefront. I had just grabbed my mate by his dick and shoved it in my mouth like it was a medium-rare steak. I sucked him dry; I swallowed his come.
My bones were jelly. The heat of their skin never left me when we finally made our way back to the bed. With their arms curled around me, legs intertwining with mine. I'm very much a starfish in bed; I take the whole bed, using it to my discretion because I've never had to share a bed before. Now here I am, squished between two big Alpha Werewolves, and I couldn't be more content.
The mixture of their smells, the old leather, and the whisky smell cocoon me in comfort. Just hours ago, I was afraid, afraid to lose them both because I was being an idiot, thinking I could sway my father into leaving the Shifters alone. What a dumb idea that was. My father would never change; he would never adhere to the requests that I wanted. As soon as I was married off, he would charge in here and kill everyone in sight.
The real question was why. Why did he come here to try and kill off innocent people that kept to themselves? Dax and Dimitri were snoring lightly; their heavy breaths tickled my skin in the oversized shirt they made me wear. It smelled like them, they commented. It makes everyone know that I am theirs and no one else.
It was a bit barbaric to say that. That I was theirs and only theirs, then again they repeated they were mine, that no one else can have them either. Smiling at that, I brushed my finger across Dimitri's face; he was right up next to mine, nose to nose. The closeness, the touching, it was all so new to me. Sure, I hugged my mother, but another man? Never.
Dimitri shifted in his sleep; his nose twitched while his grip tightened around my body. I loved the feeling, being wanted. The tingles that tickled my skin didn't help either. They felt good. If I had ever taken drugs to know their effects, I would have the perfect analogy. It was addicting, and the more I touched, the more I wanted.
Dax was no different. His words were definitely more subtle, but his actions were powerful. His groin was always near my butt; he liked the curve of my ass, the way his shaft was always nestled so close. Dax said he was a breast man, but from what I can tell, he was more of a butt guy. I don't think either of them knew what they wanted because they both kept changing their minds. Neither one corrected the other, so I said nothing.
As we began to fall asleep, Dimitri sleepily told me what mating entailed. We were getting more and more physical with each other, and they didn't want me caught off guard whenever we decided to go through with it. It instantly concerned me that he would have to bring it up.
"Do we cut our palms and spear blood all over each other?" I shivered at the thought of that, but they only laughed when I asked.
It happens during the romp in the sheets, and both would bite me, but both would need to be in my body simultaneously. That was what troubled me. There is only one place to stick a dick, right? They can't both go in there at the same time? Right? I bit my lip hard enough to bleed. This wasn't something I was prepared for. He couldn't elaborate because he had fallen asleep, nuzzled into my neck. Dax had passed out a few minutes before, buried in my hair.
Dangerous thoughts lingered in my head, so both would have to be in there. It was going to be a hot pretzel mess if one had to be in my mouth. My thoughts became scrambled in my head until I finally succumbed to the sleep I desperately needed.
"Mommy, tell me a story," I demanded from my princess canopy bed. It was pale pink; frills, lace, and tulle covered the entire bed. The lamps were pink, along with the carpet; it was the perfect princess bedroom. The shelves adorned with expensive dolls. The floor was covered with dollhouses, and my reading desk had fairytales of faraway lands. Those were the only "toys" I liked. The reading, the learning.
Mommy was lying on the bed next to me, brushing my hair with her fingers while my hair continued to dry from my bath. Mommy hummed while her eyes lingered on my crazy curls. "You know, you are the only one that has red hair out of your siblings?" I cocked my head to the other side of my shoulder. My siblings were much older, I was just an accident, so I never saw them. They were sent away to faraway schools and came home only on the holidays. Many times, I would even forget what they looked like.
"It's because I am the most like you," I joked. "I like to match you, mommy." She hummed again while her eyes glanced to the far side of the room. Lifting on her elbow, she walked to my desk. Books were laid about that she had read to me. Most about a prince fighting a dragon or a princess in disguise to meet her knight. I liked them all, mainly because of unicorns, and the new creatures such as Elves, Fairies, and Mermaids.
Her fingers touched a book with gold adornments around it. It was green, leaves decorated the title. "The Elven Warrior." Clutching it to her chest, she brought it to me. Her legs crossed on the bed and touched it like it was made of precious gold. "I'm going to tell you a story, much like this one." A stray tear landed on her lashes; brushing it away before it could run down her cheek, she smiled. "About an Elf and his human love."
My eyes widened, sparkling under the light purple night light. "A new story!" I squealed. Her fingers slipped on my lips, signaling me to be quiet. "Yes, but I will tell you only once, and you cannot repeat it to anyone." I frowned. What if it was a good story? Why couldn't I?
I nodded eagerly, wanting to hear the magical story my mommy says that was a secret. My knees curled up around my body, and my chin sat on my knees, happily waiting. A large sigh left her while she remembered.
"A long time ago," she began, smiling down at me. "There was a woman who was taken to be the bride of a powerful man. He saw her on a street corner, buying flowers for her sick mother and her innocence and beauty pulled him in. The man approached her while she clutched the flowers to pay, but he stepped forward and paid for her. Then asking her out on a single date. The woman was taken aback; he looked wealthy, expensive, and prominent. She was but a poor woman trying to give her sick mother flowers and make her smile.
The man was awed by her kindness, but it was her beauty he wanted. He wanted her all to himself. He struck a deal with the woman to give her mother the best care money could buy, but only on one condition: she married the man she didn't know. The woman being of kind heart, took him up on his offer. In a small ceremony, they married shortly after with none of her family present.
The woman soon found out what an evil man she had married. He had killed many innocent lives, all for the love of money and material things. Lives did not matter to him as long as he got what he wanted. The woman found herself trapped in a loveless marriage, still bearing him twin heirs. The children grew up and were raised by others because the evil man wanted just his wife for company. The children became spoiled and were married off quickly to arranged marriages."