Dimitri and Dax looked pleased. Once they peeled me off the turd, Dax' chest was growling, but not the growl of anger, but of pure sexualized hunger. Feeling his hard-on under his basketball shorts was hot as hell as he pushed me to his naked torso. He purposefully wiggled it right on the outside of my thigh. A girl would be absolutely insane if she wasn't turned on by a big hunk rubbing his wanker all over you. Heck, I get two huge wankers on me!

Dimitri didn't want to get left out either. He even grabbed my bloody hand and had me cup his balls. "That was so damn hot," Dimitri whispered in my ear. "Seeing you take down some piece of shit. If there weren't Wolves in here, Dax and I would show you how much we want to rut you." A shiver ran through me, the tears stopped, and my heart thumped wildly in my chest.

I got fortunate to be mated with these two. But I had to focus; we had a job to do. Trey was still here before us, and Alpha Big Claw’s eyes had yet to leave him. His breath was uneven; his claws were even extending. Big Claw was the giant teddy bear Alpha, but he was a Werewolf with rabies. How could he not be? His pack was put in danger.

Trey's own aunt was mated to a Wolf. Seeing her stand in the corner, she holds onto her mate, a look of disappointment and distrust flutter in her eyes while she silently cries. She can't save her nephew because he betrayed an entire pack. It doesn't look like she will vouch for him either; he about killed her too in the process.

Dax stands beside Big Paw, fist clenched in anger at the foul piece of human. I had no remorse for what I did; beating him to a pulp was nothing but great satisfaction to me. If I could purr like my mates right now, I would. "When did this begin?" Trey ruffed at him. Dimitri held me tighter, wiping away a few stray tears from my cheek.

"Three and half months ago," Trey spits a wad of blood on the floor. Droplets land on Dax' toned chest, and he growled in annoyance. Looking back at Dimitri, they share a silent conversation with each other, no doubt mind-linking.

"Keep me in the conversation guys, my family is involved too." Dimitri swiped a wet piece of hair from my face.

"Sorry, my mate," his kiss landed on my forehead.

"This was the time we were gassed, about three and a half months ago." Dimitri turned to Trey, "was this when you reported Seraphina to her father? How did you even know to contact him?" Dimitri's voice became flustered. His hand waved in the air like it was impossible to even contact a man in the mafia. Little did he know, it was straightforward to reach a Don; it was the reply you don't want to receive if he didn't want to talk to you.

"I ran a background check on her," Trey grumbled. Zoey hiccupped in the corner. Her eyes widened when she realized that Trey was, in fact, a traitor. Her eyes went to me and crept to me unhurriedly. Mouthing, "I'm sorry," she walked up to me and held my hand. Zoey was broken; her precious, good heart was broken. Not once, but now twice. Would her heart let her forgive the first boy she ever liked? Lonato stood across the room, arms crossed with no expression on his face. That was something else to worry about; we needed answers, but we had to worry about the gas right now.

"When Seraphina first came to town, everyone was curious," he shrugged his shoulders. "No one ever comes to our small town. On top of that, she bought a house in cash with the name Smith. Yeah, that sounded believable with your Irish accent." Alright, that stung a bit. Maybe I wasn't smart enough to change my last name to something more creative, but Smith is a pretty popular name.

"As I dug deeper, I hunted for the name Seraphina and any outstanding warrants or missing persons in the police database. Zoey's dad let me use his computer all the time; it wasn't that hard." Zoey squeezed my hand, more tears threatened to fall, but I whispered encouraging words. "Don't cry in front of him, not worth it," I nudged her.

I sucked my own tears up; mine wasn't from loss but anger. I couldn't let out my rage like I usually do, punch something until it was no longer moving. I wasn't sure how many sandbags I had broken in my lifetime. Trey wouldn't hold up if I went over there and let all of my anger out, so I had to cry it out. Not anymore, not one more tear.

I puffed my chest out, wanting to step forward, but Dimitri kept my back to his chest tightly. "Then what?" I spat.

Trey struggled against the Wolves holding him down. He grunted until a swift punch in the gut got him talking again. Coughing, he began to throw up the contents from lunch hours ago. "Fuck, stop it." He shook his head.

"A missing person's report," he spat. "I found it; it was you. I have to say, you looked like a bratty little princess with your prim and proper portrait," Trey sneered. Marching right up to him, I grabbed his throat. The Wolves holding him fell backward, surprised.

"I didn't ask for an opinion. I asked for the facts. Spill, or you won't make it through the night." Not that he would survive anyway, I hoped my mates killed the twat.

"I called the number; it was none other than Dario Rinaldi, Italian Mafia leader. At first, I thought it was a joke, but he had my attention once I video chatted with him. He dispatched his men, along with some 'extra reinforcements.' He said he was already in the area for a different business, but his daughter being here was just icing on the cake. He let you think you were fine, that you ran as far as you could to be safe. But all along, he knew your every movement down to the dogs you adopted from the pound."

Dax pulled me back, his arms went around my waist. "Your heart is beating too fast, Seraphina." Dax' large hand rested on my breastbone. It wasn't sexual; it was calming as he rubbed my heart. I have never felt so betrayed by someone who I thought was my friend. It made me want to question everything. Trey acted so shocked, appalled that my father would kill my mother and chase me down when I told him my story just a week ago.

His arms had wrapped around Zoey to comfort her, whispering everything was fine. He was nothing but a liar and a good actor. If I had an Oscar, I would take it and ram it up to his ass hole.

"Why did he bring the gas?" Alpha Big Claw interrupted. "What is his purpose?" Trey shook his head violently.

"I had no idea about that; I was just trying to get reward money from Seraphina. He knew about Werewolves though, I don't know how. I told him I was going on private land, and he already knew where I was. He tracked my phone and told me exactly what pack land I was entering and not to keep shit from him."

"You call him now, find out where he is," Big Claw walked around Trey. We had almost all the information we wanted anyway; he had nothing to bargain with anymore. If he was smart, he would have bartered for his life, but of course, being some wanna be hippie didn't work for him. Not one innovative cell in his body.

"I swear I didn't tell him anything about the pack. I didn't know about the gas, I didn't know about the bombs or anything, I swear!" Trey's body finally shook in fear while Big Claw's claw went across his neck in warning.

"You know you broke the laws of this pack, Trey." Trey shook his head. "I didn't! I swear! I didn't tell them anything; you can't kill me!"

Big Claw chuckled and threw his hands on his hips. He was still butt-naked, but no one was laughing as his butt cheek clenched. I looked away, still not used to everyone being so open about their bodies. "You led them right to the pack, took pictures, and sent it to humans. All of our hiding spots, militia formations, and Wolves actually shifting. You have broken so many pack laws I could kill you ten times over."

Trey grunted against the Wolves. "Take him to the cell. No food or water. I will have to contact his parents."

It wasn't just about me anymore; I wasn't the only one in danger here. The whole pack was in trouble, all because of my father. If I gave myself up, would he leave everyone alone? The thought hurts me, but what choice did I have? I couldn't let everyone suffer, especially my two mates. They were everything to me. In the short amount of time we had been together, I was falling hard and fast for the two Alphas.

Sure, our lives have been crazy and hectic since the day we met, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It was exciting, and I could show them my sweet moves kicking some human butt. Biting my lip, I continued to ponder my options.

I could call my father, tell him to leave them alone, and I would come quietly into the night. No one would be the wiser, and the pack would be left alone. My father is also ruthless; how would I be sure he never hurt them again? I needed something more, more than his word that no harm would come to the pack.