They were cool as a cucumber.
Dimitri took my shaky hand as I exited the vehicle. It was then he noticed my grey complexion. Sure, in the moment, I could be dangerous, downright scary as I pull out my metal friend, but it was all adrenaline. Keeping myself safe, safe from harm I had promised my mother. Once the adrenaline leaves my body, once the danger has ceased to exist, my endorphins take a trip to the southern isles of Florida and leave me a weepy mess.
The time I escaped the east coast and drove until I couldn't go anymore, I landed up in South Carolina. I had to take two days in a run-down hotel just to sleep and calm myself. Gripping Dimitri's hand tightly, hoping my body could handle the extreme rush of blood returning to my face, he led me out.
Many Wolves stood around the vehicle in a semi-circle style. Men shirtless, some women in oversized t-shirts, children running, having no idea what was going on or the significance that had just transpired between my 'mates' and myself. They all continued to look as I gripped Dimitri's hand one more time and ducked behind Dax. Please no more, not now.
Never did like all the attention. It felt like my father's gaze on my thick thighs and large ass, judging me, scrutinizing me for my size. Everyone here was fit and tone; I was the furthest from it. Dax let out a long growl as everyone's eyes diverted elsewhere, at least no longer on me. "This is our mate," Dax announced. My heart sped up as I heard him announce. He was talking about me, right?
Dimitri pulled me close and put my face into his neck. "He is making sure no one bothers you while you are here. Mainly the males," Dimitri chuckled. "I'm sorry we staked such a claim on you telling the others you are ours but, you really are." Dimitri's finger ran down my bare arm. The tingles shot straight up through my chest and straight to my tight nipples. It was the bar all over again, feeling his touch, craving it like it was some high-end glass of wine.
"We will be staying until further notice. We have some business to take care of. Seraphina is human and is unaware of our world and our ways. Be sure to take that into account." Another growl ripped through Dax's throat, and my thighs clenched immediately. Holy shit, that was hot.
"No unmated males are to approach." I should be ticked off at my potential boyfriend telling others they couldn't talk to me. However, the dominating tone and speaking around a bunch of Wolves stopped me. Still, with two extremely hot Alphas claiming me as their mate and having a body drool-worthy, I was OK with that. I was more than OK.
Gripping Dimitri's torso tighter, his arm came around and began to lead me to the large mansion. Dax followed, eyeing the crowd as they watched us travel up the steps. The fire touches only built as Dax put his hand on my lower back. He opened the door and rubbed his thumb over the part of my skin where my shirt had ridden up.
Holy hell.
Upon entering, a grand foyer of pillars of wood showed through. Four different floors stood tall, and a deer antler chandelier stood in the middle. Large red oriental rugs filled the shiny planked floors and as the mason jar lights lit the way. Light, so much light! The back of the mansion held large open windows with no curtains to be seen. The windows opened right to the forest, where I'm sure tons of wildlife other than half animal half humans lived.
"We will have Alpha Big Claw give us a tour later," Dax nodded his head to the grand staircase to the right of us. Traveling upward, the massiveness of the house came to view. Each floor had long hallways filled with doors, some open, some closed, reminding me of a dormitory. "Unmated or single Wolves live here in the packhouse."
A packhouse?
"Sometimes the Alpha and his family reside in the house, but some choose to have their own home. Depends on your preference." Nodding, I continued up; it was a long walk until we hit the fourth floor. My thighs only burned slightly while Dax opened the door.
Large skinned rugs covered the dark floor. Deer hide, bear, cougar, they all covered the double king-sized bed. A whole army could sleep in that bed. I eyed it longingly, but my curiosity won out. The natural light of the outside continued to stream through the windows.
Feeling the loss of my boys’ touch, I glanced to the bathroom door. Looking back at them, they eyed me hungrily. My white complexion heated as I looked away and tried to leave their gaze. Staying alone with them was going to be a problem. We slept in a bed last night together, was that expected all the time now? I thought they were my puppies before, now they were full grown men!
A bathroom full of cream, tan and gold granite sparkles lined the area. His and her sinks sat below the massive bowls of river rock knobs and spickets. The shower, oh my gosh. Five different shower heads, a steam shower, and possibly a wall that can shoot out water to ease my troubled back. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad to know about all these supernatural beings; I mean, they really know how to live. I'm just glad we aren't living out in a tent or a dingy motel somewhere.
Shutting the light off, walking through the double doors from the bathroom, I see my boys eying me carefully. The heat was turned up in my body, or they were burning holes in me because I felt hot. Sticky, hot, and wet would be excellent adjectives to describe my nether region. The feeling reminded me of that stupid dance. That dance that had me burning in places I didn't know could burn.
Back then, their hands-on my body made me weak in the knees, and I didn't even know that they were my mates. My body instinctively knew, though, that I was supposed to have them. That gave me a bit of hope. Hope that maybe something like this could work because my body didn't mind it. But what would the rest of the world think? Does it really matter? My subconscious provided me. How can I just believe what they say, though? I've known them for such a short time.
Technically, you've known them a week when they were wolves, I argued with myself. Even then, I cared for those babies. I felt close, safe, something I haven't had the luxury of feeling for most of my life. Since I could remember.
"You're still in shock," Dimitri's voice went low. "You should lay down." Heart skipping a few beats then accelerating, I see Dax already on the bed, shirtless with hands behind his head. His body displayed like a model in a GQ magazine; supposedly, it was mine, just like the one in front of me. Dimitri's bare feet skimmed across the fur rug; I dared not look him in the eyes and looked at my hands intertwining themselves together.
I rubbed my thighs together unwillingly; that painful throb came from my clit as I rubbed the palms of my hands together. Dimitri took one large breath while his eyes rolled to the back of his head with a growl. "Fuck," he whispered.
"A-are you alright?" My hand touched his bare chest, but he pulled me closer, slamming my breasts into him.
Oh my.
"Yes," he almost hissed. The jeans he wore were tight, but now they were being strained by his enormous erection. Remembering their dicks from last night, they were by no means small. Were all dicks like that? My breath caught as Dimitri backed away, pulling me with him. I climbed on the high bed, over the fluffy furs, and closer to the middle with Dax. His jeans were bulging too, and I sat my butt right up against the headboard.
"So, how's it going?" I nervously wrung my hands, and my voice shook. I wasn't scared by any means, just nervous. The only guy I ever kissed was just a peck, no tongue involved, and what I was thinking in my head was far more than kissing. With the evidence I gathered, they were thinking the same thing too. The sexual tension was high, and they continued to smell deeply.
"W-why are you breathing like that?" I glanced at both, eyes wholly dilated. Hunger was in their eyes, and I never felt more wanted than this.
"We can smell you," Dax rumbled in his chest. I stopped breathing and sniffed my pits; I swore I put on deodorant. Dimitri chuckled, pushing my arms down. "No, Seraphina. Your arousal." Gasping, I locked my legs together, twisting them so everything could be pinched, and nothing could escape.
"Stop, babe," Dax rubbed his large hand over my thigh. His entire hand could spread across my thick thighs, and he wasn't repulsed. He continued to rub it up and down, getting closer and closer to my lady parts. "We like your smell," Dimitri agreed, nuzzling his nose in my neck. A rush of tingles ran through and melted into my core. My head instinctively leaned into him while Dax kissed the other side of my neck.
Just like our dance, my body yearned for something so powerful, I didn't know what it was. It was like a string, being pulled so tight and wanting it to let go suddenly to relieve the tension. Dax's opened mouth kisses trailed upward until he reached my cheek. A moan left my lips as his warm, thin lips came to mine.