"Get out of here, Jonas. The head Sleuth will be notified of your 'issues’." Jonas didn't waste any time by crawling out of the alley and wiping off his jeans. Sure, he was intimidating to humans, but he was nothing but an ant beneath our shoes.

"We can't interfere much with him, Alphas, since it is neutral ground and humans present, but we do what we are allowed." Lonato spoke.

"Excellent work, love to stay and chat, but we have a mate to catch," my words were hasty as I started to walk away without saying goodbye. Chuckles were heard, but I paid no mind. We had to get back home and fast. Seraphina was upset, and no doubt she wanted comfort from her two best Wolves.

"Still going to tell her everything?" Dax jogged up to me as we opened the run-down pickup we bought.

"Every bit," I gripped the steering wheel determined.

Chapter Thirteen


Islammedmyhanddown on the steering wheel. "Ugh, what was that?!" I yelled. Pulling at my red, curly locks, I look back at the outside of the bar. This isn't me; this isn't like me! Who knew I would end up basically grinding my coochie for the whole town to see on two insanely hot men!

Then again, I've never been dancing or to a bar. Maybe this was a part of my personality I never knew I had. I grunted again as I slapped the wheel. I needed to get home; I needed to cool off. Pulling out my keys, I stick the key in the ignition. It sputters a few times until I finally kick on.

"Where are you going?" I shrieked as I slapped Zoey across the face who stuck her head in my open window. Zoey flew to the ground with a thud while I hyperventilated, holding my hand to my chest. "I deserved that," she rubs her cheek and pulls herself up by gripping the open window. "Wow, that can get you sober really fast."

"I'm so sorry," I gushed. "I thought you were one of those men!"

"The sex gods? The sex on sticks? Double trouble? Johnny Rockets? Papi? Big Daddies?" I waved my hands around and slammed them on my ears. "That is enough! You perv! Big Daddies? Really? Disgusting!"

"Don't knock it until you try it. You do have daddy issues and, I wouldn't mind having them as my daddies," Zoey winked.

"I'm not that messed up," I glared. "You are still drunk, go inside," I revved the engine a few times to warm it up, and Zoey backed away.

"Don't be ashamed; you were exploring your sexuality. It was the best thing, though, seeing Maryann sulking in the corner," Zoey leaned on her hand, looking contemplative. I'd almost pay to see you do it again!" I glared as I revved the engine again. "Come see me before you drive off into the sunset, though, yeah?" I nodded while she blew a drunken kiss my way. I pretended to catch it and threw the car into drive.

"What was that?" I asked myself again. I rubbed one of my eyes, smearing some of the thick eyeliner. I had never lost my head like that, ever. Mother always said to keep your head in the game, and I thought I was. I drank limited amounts, knew where the exits were, and even kept an eye out for all my friends. But those eyes. Those damn eyes that caught me. Two electric blue eyes jolted my body into hyperdrive. It wasn't just one pair, but two pairs that made my stomach tie into knots.

Flashes of that dream came to me again; these two men reminded me precisely of my dream. Their touches, the fire that bloomed with every fingertip brushing my skin. Oh, and those lips. Gosh, those damn lips will curse me to the ends of the Earth. My lower body trembled when Dimitri asked, no, told me to dance. I'm not one to follow orders anymore, but that dominating tone turned my body into a weeping mess.

The warm hands caressed my backside, which only led them to trail lower, lower to the butt I had always cursed. Dimitri didn't condemn it though, he reviled in it. Trailing my body, my stomach, heck, he even followed the underside of my breasts, and I didn't protest, not one bit. I've never been touched by anyone in those areas, and it had awoken some sort of sexual curiosity in me.

I clenched my thighs; my heart could be found between my legs. It pounded, wanting it to be rubbed or stroked just like I had done in the tub. Gritting my teeth, willing the thought away, my thought races to another. Dax.

They were twins, sure, but his eyes held something different. They were both utterly different in their own sexy ways. He didn't even tell me he was going to dance with me like Dimitri, oh no. He just did, without warning. Dax was a risk-taker, and I liked it. His crotch was next to my ass, and I had the idea to dig it deep into him. The rumble in his chest was animalistic, and it made my legs drenched. I was utterly damp, and I could only think of those stupid sex-ed talks I had to watch because my own mother was too uncomfortable to talk to me.

Kisses on my shoulder and neck still burned with the same electricity I saw in their eyes. Their lips brushed, massaged, and dared to suck the skin between their teeth. Feeling my neck, I glance in the mirror only to find not one, but several large hickies on my neck. It was enough evidence for me to be reminded by morning that this was no dream.

My body wanted them. But did I want them? I growled again and slammed my hand on the dash. I needed to hit something; these feelings, this want, this need was taking over. Part of me wanted to march right back into that bar and finish what we started. What the hell did we start? Would it have led to me sleeping with them?

No, it wouldn't have. I know I would hold my body back from that. Who knows what kind of diseases those hot bodies have had contact with? However, it felt good to feel wanted. Sure, I had father issues, but none to warrant my attention to two strange men and the desire to feel needed by a man.

It just didn't.

Or did it?

Well, I would never call them daddy, maybe sir. Yeah, I would call them sir.

Oh, my God, what am I thinking!

Screeching, I slam on the breaks pulling up to my gravel driveway. I need a cold shower, a good, cold shower. Hell, I might even take an ice bath. Slamming the door shut, I stomped up the stairs, not caring if every damn predatory animal found me. They should drag my carcass into the woods and eat me for thinking such dirty thoughts about the twin stallions. Gods, stallions. The hunk of muscle and their pedigree line must have been superb.

"Bambi! Thumper!" I cried out through the door. The boys didn't come running, but the back door was wide open. "Great," I muttered as I shut it. They must have had to pee and scratched the unlocked door.

Stripping out of my dress, I go to throw it on the bed, but a smell invades my nose. That smell was so familiar. Taking a giant whiff of what was probably their cologne, I sat on the bed. Several more breaths, and my body was hooked. "Oh my gosh, I've become a sex freak!” I shrilled again until there was a thud at the door. Covering myself with the dress, I walked barefoot to the back door only to see the two babies that could make me feel better. "Hi guys!" they trotted in, but quickly averted their eyes from me.