Running. Yeah, that is a form of exercise, but I had formed a love for running. Then again, that was all my life was right now.
Grabbing my earbuds, switched my bra into something more suitable for handling my girls, Miley and Kylie. Yeah, I named them, they were great names, and it made me feel like I had friends. Bless Miley and Kylie, someone could have cut them both from my chest, and each of them could be given to a woman who desperately needed tatas.
I opened the door, expecting to go alone, but my boys were right on my heels. "Lost my appetite. I'm going for a run. You guys just had a bunch of food; I don't need you throwing up." Bambi darted out the door, and Thumper followed behind. "Suit yourself, but if you throw up in the house, I'm kicking you out," I muttered.
My babies flanked me as we ran down the sidewalk. We had run for a good two miles, and we were headed right into town. I could have taken some paths in the woods, but the thought of running into a bear was high. It was hunting season, and the hunters had started making the wild animals stir in anxiousness.
My next song was about to play in my ears, but I heard my name being called. "Seraphina!" It was Trey; he came up to me, wearing some tan-colored slacks and a lovely black and green plaid shirt. His hair was combed back, and his beard neatly trimmed. "Well, look at you!" I pulled my earbuds out as I took in the sight. This was the most I had seen my not-so-close-friend dressed up, and I was excited to know why.
Trey blushed and kicked the dirt. "I'm gonna take your advice; I'm gonna ask Zoey on a date," he cleared his voice. "You think this is okay?" I looked him up and down, crossing my arms over my chest while I examined him. Bambi started to growl, but I hushed him quickly.
"You look good, kid. What are you going to say to her?" Trey sighed as he ran his hand through his thick hair.
"Do you want to go out to dinner?" He questioned. I laughed out loud; what else would I have thought to leave his mouth talking to Zoey?
"You shouldn't worry; she will say yes." I laughed as he walked with me down the street. "She's liked you forever."
"I guess I was just too stupid to see. Didn't think a strong-minded woman like her would like such a simpleton." I nudged his arm. "So, you thought that me, the closed-off, quiet one would?" Trey scoffed as he pushed me playfully.
Bambi and Thumper growled again, showing their teeth behind me. There stood none other than Jonas and a few of his friends he hunts with. One of them now looked familiar; it was Aaron. Aaron, the one I threw his ass to the ground- Aaron.
"My, Seraphina, you are looking ravishing tonight." Jonas licked his lips as he looked me up and down. I was wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt; who is this tool?
Bambi jumped forward and salivated, snapping his jaws. Jonas, unmoving, tisked as Bambi paced before me, and Aaron stood back from the group.
"Better get a handle on those wolves; I'd hate to see anything happen to them." Usually, I would back away and not cause a scene, but he was talking about my babies. The urge to protect them was strong, and I wasn't sure why.
"You stay out of it, Jonas," I exaggerated his name. "They only will attack if feeling threatened. They just don't like you, and you know what they say about animals not liking humans. That their intuition is usually right," I snapped.
Jonas chuckled as he looked at his friends. All of them laughed while Trey tried to hold me back. "In fact, if I feel threatened, I could do some damage myself. Why don't you go ask Aaron over there?" I pointed. While they stared at Aaron, I felt for the gun holster underneath my thick sweatshirt.
"Is that true? She showed you what she does when she feels threatened?" Jonas taunted as he walked to Aaron. Jonas grabbed his fur-lined khaki jacket as he drew him closer. "I told you she was mine," he whispered harshly. Aaron shook his head, panicking while I nudged Trey so we could leave. We were stopped by a voice clearing.
"Anyway," Jonas fixed his hunter coat and strode closer, only to be stopped by Thumper. "Have you given it any more thought, dinner with me?" His sickly-sweet voice didn't fool me; I wasn't going to be one of his whores.
"I did, actually," I straightened up confidently while he awaited my answer.
"Still no." Bambi snapped his jaws a few times for good effect while his hair stood up on end. Trey and I turned to walk away quickly while I heard Jonas curse under his breath.
"You will succumb to me sooner or later, Seraphina. They always do," he taunted. "She'll be mine by the end of the month, boys." Bambi and Thumper were walking with me until Thumper snapped and charged Jonas. His paws hit the ground and hearing the scraping of his claws on the pavement made my breath hitch.
Just before Thumper jumped, one of Jonas's men pulled out his revolver and pointed it straight at Thumper's chest.
Chapter Nine
Thetauntingwasmakingmy blood boil. Feeling Dax's anger was fueling into mine. He was trying his best to stay calm, but even I was having trouble. Dax and his growls did not affect the group leader, Jonas, but the rest were about to piss their pants.
They couldn't even look us in the eyes as they tried to back away.
Seraphina was holding her own; she didn't falter in any of her steps even when Trey's heart began racing. Once Seraphina gave the final blow, saying no to a damn dinner with the sick prick, that was when I lost it when he muttered under his breath about taking her. I was a hypocrite, and I knew it.
Dax reeled in his anger and never got too close, he threatened and even taunted these guys, but he still didn't launch himself onto them. Gods, I did, though. The thought of Jonas trying to take what was ours made me livid. For the first time in my life, I felt the rage turn my eyes red.
I turned without thinking; my claws scraped the sidewalk, causing a small shrill in my ear. Dax was already yelling in my head to stop, but I was on a mission. To protect my mate from this tool. My growls echoed through the air as the world slowed down. My Wolf hearing heard her spin around as I caught the scent of her hair twisting in the wind.
Slow, calculated heartbeats thumped through my chest as I saw one of the goons pull out a gun. Couldn't even take a wolf bare-handed, and they called themselves skilled hunters. I licked my teeth, anticipating the bite of nothing but blood and muscle on my maw. This gun couldn't do a thing to me; mere metal, hell even silver couldn't do much to an Alpha. We would heal.