Page 119 of Twinning and Sinning

Soon the Bears were defeated, and all that was left was the Yutaka. Mom’s body swayed. She was pouring too much energy into the cursed Fox.

Dad swept in, grabbed mom, holding her tight. She was far above the ground, just as Seraphina. Before Dax could grab Yutaka, he had recovered, using an invisible hand to slam Dax to the ground. Dax tried to get up, only having his face smothered in the dirt soaked with blood.

“ENOUGH!” Yutaka roared. Fire soaked his fur, red eyes beaming with fury. Once the blaze retreated, a snap of his fingers and Seraphina was now gone from my arms yet again.

“Cute parlor trick,” he snapped. “But I still got my mate.”

“She’s ours!” Dominic and Declan thundered. The ground shook and the remaining Wolves left standing horrified. Our Alpha voices still had no effect.

Seraphina groaned. Her face tried to move towards us, but the Kitsune lulled it back into his own tailored suit. “You know,” he stood up. “This was quite entertaining.” Yutaka gleamed with mania. “In all my years I have never seen such a performance, brava!” His shoes were now off his body from the violent spasms mom hit him with.

“But now, I would like to speak to someone else. Folen, where are you, dad?” Yutaka mocked. Folen stepped forward, battle ax facing the ground dripping with the blood of the Yutaka’s Bears. “Now I know this is an old tradition, but I would like to ask, anyway.” He turned our backs to us, smirking as he did. Rustling in the trees made the Wolves glance towards the darkness of the forest. The sun was setting, the moon was rising, and now new dangers were coming.

More rogues, alike shifted amongst the trees. Our warriors groaned quietly. This battle was far from over.

“Folen, I would like to ask to have your daughter’s hand in marriage. Choose your words wisely or your sleeping mate’s throat will rip to pieces.” Glass dropped from the fourth-floor window. A Fox shifter, shifted into his human form, holding a knife glistening in the fleeting sun.

Chapter Sixty-Four


Deep,heavybreathingfannedmy hair. The minty brandy smell made me sneeze again. My head, cradled into a chest I was unfamiliar with, had me pushing away while my eyes were glued to the radiating yellow eyes. Hairy hands gripped my arms tighter.

“Eva?!” I yelled inside my mind. There was no return call, she wasn’t there and hell, I need her sarcastic voice yelling at me to do something. I was frozen in fear. The fierce battle woman was gone and my body shook. I was staring face to face with a large foxlike creature.

Large plumes of fur towered over the fox’s face, a sly grin planted on its maw. “My doll, you are awake.” My eyebrow arched. Who the hell calls a woman a damn doll? Not this girl. Pushing against his chest, he gently let me down, taking a few steps back. His furry hand grabbed my wrist.

Pulling it away, he gripped it tightly, his claws reminding me he could slice right up my arm. “Nah, ah, ah my darling, let’s not get too hasty. I know you are confused, but please let me explain.” The fox bowed at the waist in a fine-tailored white business suit. Not a speck of dirt or blood splattered on any of the material.

“I am Yutaka Yuki, your mate,” a purr rumbled through his chest, hand petting mine.

“Uh,” I began. My mates were in their crazy half form like their father, huffing. Their chests heaved. Good gracious, what kind of family did I mate into? Clara was being held in Kane’s arms and the rest of the Wolves were in an attacking position around us.

My toes moved into the wet dirt. After taking a large breath, I realize it wasn’t the moist earth I was smelling, but metallic blood seeping between my toes. Gasping, I take my other hand covering my nose and lips. This was the most horrific scene I had ever seen. Bodies lay on the ground, blood continuing to pool onto the blackened soil.

“M-mate?” I remembered the statement this guy had just spoken. “I actually already have two,” I gulped, “and they are a handful enough, so I think I will just…” I took my other hand trying to pry the furry hands from my own.

The furry hands retracted, but my feet couldn’t move. Slowly, the hair, and the tails crept into his body, leaving nothing but a man before us all. Gasps went around, revealing nothing but a human form of the Kitsune. His skin was light, his hair white with highlights of reds and golds. He was muscular and sure; any human woman would find this squared-jawed animal handsome. I found him anything but.

My eyes went to my mates. They weren’t moving, not coming any closer, wondering what they could possibly be thinking. Why aren’t they helping?

“Now, my little doll, I was asking your father an important question.” Dad was staring at me with a distant look. Defeated, he dropped his ax.

“I will save you,” he whispered. “Just like your mother, until the day I die.”

“What?” I whispered. Wolves growling, pawing at the ground, came closer, only to be pushed back by the wave of the Kitsune’s hand.

“Go on, say it now so I can take my mate. We have some marks to remove.”

“What is going on?” I yelled. My hands are thrown up in the air. Growls from the tree line caught my brief attention. The entire pack house was surrounded. The surrounding Wolves near me were all that was left.

“Eva,”I begged inside me. “Please come back.”Did the Kitsune do something to me?

“I give you permission,” my father’s word stung at my heart. Permission for what?

“Now was that so hard?” the Kitsune cooed. “Now, come my little doll, let’s get you to the limo and out of those dreadful clothes. I have some of the finest silk lounging clothes for our long flight back once we get those marks off. Ripping my hand from his clammy ones, I slapped him right across the face.

“Why the hell would I go with you, you overgrown rodent? I’m not going anywhere with you!” The fox chuckled, grabbing me, holding my body close to his. His breath tickled my ear, making me try to wiggle free.