Page 111 of Twinning and Sinning

The door burst open, two warriors carrying a seriously injured wolf putting him on the table. “We need blood,” one shot out.

“I have to go,” not waiting to ask, I kissed Zoey’s lips. It was too short, too sweet as I let her go. Her eyes dried, wiping them away with her hand. “I’ll be back, when this is over…” Zoey pushed her hand to my chest.

“Just go, I’ll be here. Kick some ass,” she sniffed. Leaving her here was the safest place in the entire area. I just pray to the gods we can hold them back until Seraphina and her mate’s return.


“Can I get up yet?” I groaned. My body was under the blanket in an old pickup truck. It was ancient and if a stiff wind knocked a branch into the side, it would have a dent in it. Rust and corrosion took the underside of the metal beast, but it was moving faster than I thought it would.

“No, you can stay there a while,” I heard the chuckle under Dax’s breath. My head was laying in his lap, my feet by Dimitri. The thick wool blanket was unbearably hot, not to mention laying on Dax’s crotch didn't help. I was sure he would have a severe case of sweaty balls by the end.

Throwing the blanket off me, I sat up, glaring at my handsome mate. “I said you could stay down there a while, maybe find something to do?” His smile curled back so far I could almost see his white fangs.

“You are such a dork,” I playfully punched him. My left hand took Dimitri’s, which was sitting on the wheel. He quickly adjusted, so he drove with the other. His Wolf purred and Eva purred back. It was a strange feeling. The vibrations in my chest ran through my body. Dimitri gripped my hand tighter.

“You are progressing well with Eva. Maybe soon?” I hummed, not wanting to talk about it. As exciting as it was to shift like my mates, I was more worried about the danger I was putting the pack in. It’s selfish of me to not go to the Kitsune to save them all, but really, would he let them all go? My mates would fight tooth and nail until they had me back and Kane did not look like a person to give up on family. Even if he was a big pin cushion.

In the end, if I had to choose, what would I do? What would I do when a Wolf lost their life because of me? Someone’s blood on my hands would wreck me. It could be someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, or friend, and how many will we lose? I shook my head, taking my thoughts away from the inevitable. There was nothing I could do. We would have to take it play-by-play.

“What coven are we going to?” I tried to distract myself. Dimitri, gently banging his head on the headrest, continued to drive.

“Black Raven, they hopefully know we are coming. Cyrene is supposed to send a message as soon as she woke up.” I hummed, watching the signs go by.

“So, what’s the plan, then?” Dax’s eyes were looking out the window, not acknowledging the question. His eyes were skimming quickly in all directions.

“Get there, grab some bags, and go. It should be a quick transfer, no formalities. Dad gave the order and the Advisor and his mate of Vermillion are quite close to mom. The Vermillion Kingdom pretty much do whatever the Cerulean Moon Kingdom tells them to do since the war. I just hope the coven listens,” Dimitri’s voice worried.

“Why wouldn’t they?”

Dax interrupted, “Earth is a different world, literally. Just because what mom says doesn’t always fly around here. You saw those Bears. The Alpha Bear led his entire pack into danger. An Alpha in Bergarian would have been beheaded on the spot. Earth is more liberal with their rules because they are so far away from the center of the kingdom.”

“Great,” I gritted my teeth. “I don’t think I’ve met a Vampire before. Please tell me, do they sparkle in the sun?” I snorted, throwing my head back to laugh.

“Please no,” Dax whined. “Don’t ask me that.” Dimitri laughed along with me, my head resting on his shoulder.

“Oh, I’m kidding Bambi.” My hand went to his, rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. I put my feet up into his lap. He automatically took my shoes off and rubbed them.

“Oh, good gracious right there,” I moaned as his hands gripped my feet. The shoes I wore made them feel heavy. The powerful urge to go barefoot all the time was strong. Keeping them off would be for the best anyway, so I could kick some ass if I needed to.

“Hey Dimitri, found a new spot!” Dax burst into laughter.

“But tell me, what they are like? Are they really so evil as people say? Do they drink human blood?”

Dax leaned over where my head was resting on Dimitri, pecking my cheek. “Just like a human can be evil or good, so can a Vampire, Werewolf, Bear, Dragon, Fae or Fairy. There are stereotypes, but that doesn’t mean they are all true. In fact, we are good friends with the Advisor, Sebastian and his mate Christine. Mom saved Bastian, and he liked her so much asked for her to make him her second mate.”

My head shot up, “no way! Your dad…”

“Punched him in the face,” Dimitri laughed. “Bastian got what he deserved. You don’t go ask the future queen of a nation to take you as a second mate. Anyway, mom felt sorry for him so she pulled all the money she had saved up over the years, gave him her Jeep and he drove across the country so he could find his mate on Earth.”

“Aw, that’s romantic,” I cooed, “and he found her.”

“He did, and he does everything our mom says to do for the sake of peace.”

Dax’s hair stood up on his neck.

“We are here?” he questioned. Not long after, we pulled up to the small town we were supposed to be arriving at, only that we arrived three hours early.

“How did we get here so fast?” Dimitri said. “I was only going twenty over?”