Page 107 of Twinning and Sinning

“I smell nothing, but if you want to freshen up, we have a meeting soon.” Nodding, her cheeks grew pink as she padded off to the bathroom.

I’m sorry, your Majesty, but Cyrene, along with her mate won’t be attending. Tua had her still a nameless baby in her arms. Big Claw stood over her protectively as dad stewed in his seat. Mom immediately went to his side, sitting on his lap.

“Honey, did you really expect them not to mate? Cyrene, is how old?” Mom tried to sympathize with the Sorceress.

“One week,” dad roared out. “They could have waited one week,” his fist hit the table. Everyone in the room jumped besides our family. Melody was flipping pages in her notebook, sighing, scribbling out some working all while Marcus eyed her up and down. Guess he always had a thing for nerds because Melody was as nerdy as they come.

“Dad, it’s alright,” Melody waved her hand around. “We got this. We just need to know an exact location for this ‘Kitsune,’ that shouldn’t be hard to find with a locator spell. Kitsune’s radiate enough magical energy even a low-level Warlock could do it.” Melody looked across the table seeing both Matthew and Ajax. “Could either of you do it really quick? I don’t want to stress Tua when she is still nursing the baby.”

Dad scowled over at the two warlocks. Matthew swallowed a large wad of spit, shifting in his seat. “I’ll do it,’ Ajax stood up, buttoning his cloak.

“Great, so Kitsunes normally reside in Asia, specifically the Japan area,” Melody spoke formally. “You could use that as a marker to find the specific Kitsune we are looking for when you spread your power through the area.

The room automatically dimmed as Ajax pulled a small orb from his pocket. Seraphina glared at the orb and watched as Ajax moved it through his fingers. Faster and faster, he twirled the orb, concentrating. Suddenly, the glass ball dropped to the table, making the entire room jump and the light switch flipped on so brightly that it popped the bulbs out of the sockets.

“The fuck!?” Marcus jumped to cover Melody from the glass shattering from the nearby lamp. “Can you do anything right?!” Marcus bared his teeth.

“She said it would be easy,” Ajax breathed heavily. Matthew put his hand on Ajax’s forearm for comfort while he continued to sit.

“It’s alright, brother, tell us what you saw.” Ajax looked over the room. Warriors stood with their arms crossed. Dad was about to blow his own fuse and Dax was ready to lunge at the guy to beat the information out of him.

“He’s close… real close.” Ajax shook. “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Matthew tried to soothe his brother, but Ajax shook his head.

“He’s here in the nearby town.” The room erupted into murmurs. Ajax took his fists, pressing them to the table and leaning over to keep himself up. “That’s not all,” the thundered. “The entire town of humans are dead.”

Landon, cursed under his breath. He was sitting beside Big Claw, turning around finding Zoey leaning up against the wall. Zoey cupped her hands together to hide her face, immediately sobbing. “My parents,” she whispered until she slid down the wall sitting on the floor. “Go to her,” Big Claw instructed. Throwing the chair out of the way, Lonato picked Zoey up and held her to his chest.

“Oh my god,” Seraphina whispered, tears rolling down her face. “I knew almost everyone in that town.” Taking in a heavy breath, I pulled her to my chest.

“The Kitsune will die,” dad stood from his seat. Ajax shook his head again. “I’m still not done.”

“What more is there to tell?! We asked for a damn locator spell to find him, and you keep giving me shit. Is this how magic works?”

“No, your majesty, it’s not. He came to me. He knew I found him,” Ajax almost snapped. More murmurs spread through the room. “He spoke into my mind. He’s powerful, maybe equal to Cyrene.”

“No,” Melody corrected. “His power isn’t equal to Cyrene, not yet. He needs a mate which will increase his power. However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t smart. He could out do Cyrene because of his swift thinking and intelligence.”

Marcus stood up beside Melody. “What do we do then?”

“He knows we are coming now, I’m not sure,” Melody grabbed Marcus’ hand.

“Seraphina?” Ajax glanced over to my mate. Her hand squeezed both Dax and me. “He wants you. You were his promised bride that your step-father sold you to.” Another tear ran down her cheek. “And if you don’t deliver yourself to him within twenty-four hours, everyone in the territory will be dead within hours.”

Dax and I stood up, growling at Ajax, acting as if he was the one trying to take away our mate. Punching a hole clear through the table, Dax stomped over to Ajax, who was now shielded by Big Claw. Big Claw was easily thrown to the other side of the room. Ajax threw a force field around his body, protecting himself.

The punches and scratches went harder, breaking the opaque barrier. Cracks formed across the glass. Ajax’s magic was being pushed to the limit as blood dripped from his nose. Seraphina gracefully left the chair and looked at me one more time. Giving a soft smile, she put her hand on Dax’s shoulder.

“He isn’t taking me away, Bambi.” Dax immediately stopped. No one in the room dared to laugh. “That Fox is trying to get me, not him. Let Ajax go. He’s just a glorified mail man. Don’t make me roll up a newspaper and smack you,” she joked. Still, no one laughed. Dax’s buried his head in Seraphina’s shoulder, taking in her scent.

“You aren’t going,” Dax and I mind-linked our mate. “It just won’t happen.”

“Then we need to put up one hell of a fight because both of you will be in the doghouse if one child gets hurt,” she sniffed.

Melody stood up. “Alright, here’s the deal. I need a portal and I need one stat. We get all the non-fighters out of here and into a safe house far away.” Big Claw quickly jumped up to agree.

“What do you need for a portal?” Big Claw spoke.

“A couple of witches, or just Cyrene. I don’t know if they have marked each other or not.”