Restless, Chad left Louisa’s embrace without disturbing her. He found Reid outside, a cup in one hand and a bottle in the other. The campfire was aglow as usual to chase away darkness and predators. Chad approached his friend and asked, “Couldn’t sleep, either?”
“Not tonight. I’m worried about you, Chad. You’re too charmed by your ward to think clearly. If I were you, I’d be worried, too.”
“About what, Reid?”
“About your wild plan and Jace Elliott.”
“Everything’s fine, Reid. What has you troubled?”
“I don’t agree that you’re winning. Leigh offered to sell the business to you, not marry you. It sounds to me as if she doesn’t plan to remain in London. I find it strange and unsettling that she changed her mind after meeting Jace. If I didn’t know you were behind those drugging incidents, I’d think Jace is up to mischief.”
“You worry too much, Reid. The bottle’s gone, and I’ve been keeping our contract in my pocket lately so Jace won’t find it and see what I added above his signature. He’s been doing fine, no problems.”
“That’s my point, Chad. Considering your entwined past, Jace’s suspicions about you and William, and what you two wagered—doesn’t it strike you odd that he’s not making any trouble or any overtures to Leigh? They were alone most of the day, and she was bathing when we returned. While strolling around, I made, a curious discovery. Her tent, just hers, has a secret entrance at the back corner. For all we know, Jace has been sneaking in and out during the entire trip. I’ve been observing their behavior. I think he’s already won the bet, and he’s just waiting for the best moment to cram it down your throat. Let’s get some sleep.”
In the dense jungle, their second temporarily permanent camp was ready upon their arrival. They had traveled through bushed grassland and thicket, journeying northwestward along the Tanzania border for several days before halting there. They had crossed the Amboseli Plains near the Chyulu Range. Eight to ten days’ walk to their north lay the foothills of the Great Rift, and Nairobi.
Jace hadn’t been given a chance to talk privately with Leigh. They had slept on bedrolls beneath individual tents of mosquito netting, instead of using the time and energy to set up and break a large camp each day. During their walks, Chad had kept Leigh close to him, laughing and joking and talking with her. It seemed to Jace that Chad was making a stronger move on his love. Jace was getting edgy with the new situation and with the denial of her company. Yet Leigh hadn’t had any more problems. For that, he was glad.
Two hours after reaching camp and settling in, Jace and Johi left to scout the area for game: buffalo haunts.
Louisa and Cynthia returned to camp with wet heads. The area was safe, so the group had been told they could have more freedom in this location. Reid and Chad were playing chess, drinking, and listening to music on the gramophone. Leigh had been resting and reading, but came outside to join the others for hot tea at four. The head servant, Mkwawa, served it with tinned sweetcakes, and left.
“That was wonderful, Leigh,” Louisa said. “You should have gone with us. There’s a marvelous rock-enclosed pool not far away. Jace marked the trail with rags tied to bushes. It’s so cool and clear.”
Leigh watched the woman put away her rifle and rub her curry-colored hair with a drying cloth. Having been drinking for two hours, Reid and Chad separately excused themselves into the jungle for a time. Cynthia took a chair at the table and began to comb her hair. This site was hot and steamy. To Leigh, a bath sounded nice, especially if Jace sneaked a visit later. “I’ll go after I finish my tea.”
When Chad finally returned, he asked his ward, “Do you think you should take a bearer to guard you? They’re camped in the next clearing. Mkwawa can assign one.”
Leigh didn’t care to have a stranger nearby during such a private moment, and the other women had encountered no trouble alone. She smiled at him. “I always keep my derringer in my bag. I’ll fire a shot if danger strikes. Be back later.”
“Just follow the marked trail, to the right when it forks. It’s simple to find,” Louisa told her. “Do you need to borrow anything?”
“Thanks, but I have everything I need.” Leigh entered her tent.
Reid and Chad went to a small crate to select another bottle of wine. “It’s odd she didn’t go with Cynthia and Louisa,” Reid hinted. “You think she’s secretly meeting Jace? He is out of camp, and he’s been watching her mighty intently. I think something’s going on, and it’ll cost you everything if it isn’t stopped.”
Chad looked at Reid. “No, it won’t. I’ve taken precautions.”
“Flirting won’t change matters if it’s too late.”
“Wooing isn’t what I have in mind. Wait and see.”
When the men rejoined the women at the table, Chad grinned at Louisa. “Why don’t we sneak inside while she’s gone?” Chad glanced at Reid and Cynthia. “You should relax, too. Maybe a little … recreation will do wonders for both of you.”
Reid nodded. Cynthia shrugged. Both complied.
Leigh gathered clothes from her packs and lifted her grooming bag with her bathing supplies. Through the net-covered entrance to her tent, Leigh saw the two couples go inside. She decided to give them plenty of time for privacy. She surmised that Chad couldn’t be too eager for her and her holdings or he wouldn’t continue carrying on with Louisa. Unless, of course, the virile lord needed appeasement badly and frequently; she had heard that some men did.
She left camp and walked the verdant trail, its foliage heavy on both sides and above her. She hummed music from the gramophone and halted here and there to look at unusual flowers and plants. She was distracted by worries. She wanted to be totally honest with her love, but felt that was impossible at this time. She was certain Jace didn’t know about the codicil and, even if he did, he wouldn’t be a threat to her. She trusted Jace Elliott, but he did have secrets. She didn’t know how facing prison or execution affected a person or what it compelled one to do for exoneration and survival; yet, she felt safe with him.
Leigh prayed that her grandfather was blameless for the Elliotts’ troubles. She hoped that William had made out the codicil to lessen Jace’s resentment and suspicions. But to enlighten her love at this early date would have the opposite effect. She couldn’t guess how he would react to such a discovery. She didn’t want him to feel duped, which he might. She didn’t want an angered man to end the safari before she could expose her good intentions. Jace didn’t seem impulsive or rash or vindictive, but he had suffered a lot and was in peril.
Leigh needed more time and closeness with Jace before that stunning revelation. She did not want to damage their budding relationship by inspiring him to doubt her reason for coming to Africa and for yielding to him. William had a reason for including Brandon’s son in his will, and perhaps Jace would unknowingly reveal it. Her grandfather obviously knew Jace was trustworthy, as William would not tempt a dangerous man to harm her for revenge and greed. If Jace came to love her and staked a marital claim on her, he would understand and forgive her protective silence. Jace already mistrusted Chad and her grandfather, and had mistrusted her in the beginning, so enlightening him soon was too much of a risk. Jace needed time to get to know her better and want her even more, and to get reacquainted with his old friend. By the time the safari was over, her love would know she could be trusted, and hopefully she would find her guardian could be, too. It would be wonderful if the two men could bury their pasts and become friends again.