Jace trembled with desire. “I didn’t come here to seduce you, love. I can settle for kisses, hugs, and talk.”

“But I can’t. I want you, and you’ve seen to it that I need you.”

“What a clever man I am,” he teased, kissing her.

Leigh’s arms banded his body and she nestled against him. “I’m getting you wet, love. Sorry,” he murmured against her ear.

“I don’t care.” She unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. As Jace took off his boots and pants, Leigh slipped out of her garments.

Jace pulled the bedroll to the floor, knowing the single cot couldn’t hold their combined weights. He drew her down beside him. They kissed and cuddled.

Leigh thought it would spoil the romantic mood by questioning him about the secret entrance and by revealing Chad’s overture, so she held silent. “This feels good. I like having you near me.”

“Ilovehaving you near me, woman. These past days have been terrible. Half the time I’m scared to look at you for fear of exposing my feelings. The other half, I can’t keep my eyes away. What have you done to me? I’ve never felt so helpless and frustrated. I can’t wait to win our bet and get you all to myself. Which reminds me, you owe me a kiss for breaking rule one.”

She laughed softly. “You only have one point, my irresistible guide, so don’t get cocky yet. If it’s payment you demand, I’ll gladly comply.” She sealed her mouth to his and tantalized him with her tongue.

Jace’s hands rubbed up and down her sleek back as she lay half across him. Her tawny mane fell around his head and tickled him in spots. With her so near and steadily consuming his being, revenge and exoneration —all wild perils—seemed far away or nonexistent. He was caught up in a beautiful dream where only sweet passions dwelled with them. He groaned as his arms tightened around her waist.

Leigh’s fingers wandered into his hair, and damp curls clung to them. She kissed away the raindrops on his face, then drifted down his neck to do the same there. Even the furry covering on his chest was wet, and her fingers played there a while, making tiny curls. His flesh was cool, slick, and firm beneath her roaming hands. She needed and wanted to explore him and felt brave enough to do so. It was as if the driving rain pelted against her tent like a primitive drumbeat, creating a mesmeric force that compelled her to perform this ancient ritual of love.

Leigh’s lips journeyed along his chest. Her tongue circled the small but taut peaks on his virile landscape. Her hand drifted along his sides, over his stomach, and into a thicker covering of soft fur. It, too, was damp. She moved her hand lower still, savoring the evidence of his desire for her. Her courage did not desert her, as she was too enchanted by love’s task to be sway from this new adventure. She felt Jace stiffen in surprise, heard him moan in delight, and felt him relax once more. With leisure and care, her hand traveled up and down the lengthy domain where heat and strength met her.

Jace didn’t know if he wanted to lie still or wriggle in pleasure, or if he could even control his actions. Leigh seemed in a provocative mood tonight, as if she boldly sought a treasure. She was a novice at love, but she was learning fast. He felt tense and afire. His head was dazed by hunger, and his body ached with it. As her hands and lips worked at mapping her easily conquered territory, he shuddered in arousal.

When he thought he could last no longer, Jace rolled Leigh to her back and assailed her breasts with his greedy mouth. His hands and mouth began an intoxicating expedition of their own over her beckoning ground. He called on all the knowledge, experience, and skills he possessed to stimulate and pleasure them.

When they joined together, it was nearly shattering to both. They labored with love, yearning, and urgency. Their victory came within minutes, so high was their arousal and need.

In the dreamy aftermath, Jace held her against him. “Every time I take you, it’s like the first time, the best time. How is that?”

“It’s the same for me. I think nothing could be better, but it always is. It’s like a hunger that’s never satisfied for more than a while. I suppose it’s because you whet my appetite and keep me starving for you all the time. That’s a mean and naughty trick, Jace Elliott.”

“No more than the trick you play on me, woman. You tempt me day and night to lay permanent siege to you, knowing I can’t.”

That statement worried Leigh. Was this all he had in mind for them? Because he was a wanted man? Or because she only affected him sexually? She wanted more, much more, from him.

“Unless,” he murmured, kissing and nuzzling her ear, “you trick Chad and sneak to my plantation.”

“You know I can’t, Jace. Chad would never agree to a voyage to Texas just months before my birthday.”

“He will if he thinks you trust him and you’re turning your affairs over to him,” Jace refuted. “You don’t have to tell him you’re returning in December. I don’t want you going there as long as he has such power over you. And we can use more time together.”

It was tempting, but would it work? Should she even consider more time without wedlock? She loved this man, but how well did she know him? He was eager to keep her here until November, but why? He couldn’t get revenge on Chad without exposing them, and Jace would not hurt her that way. What would her love feel and say when she was free to make her own choices? Would he offer marriage even if he couldn’t exonerate himself? Was this a test of her feelings for him? “It’s crazy, but who knows what will happen?”

His fingers stroked her hair and bare skin. “You’re right. I might decide to hold you captive and enjoy you for a very long time.”

“I could always escape.”

“Not through the jungles surrounding my place. It’s very secluded.”

Leigh’s fingers teased over his parted lips. Her teeth nibbled playfully on his cleft chin. “That sounds intimidating, Mr. Elliott. Who is around to help me if you turn into an uncontrollable beast?”

Soft chuckles sounded in his throat. “No one. My housekeeper, workers, and friends would never take your side against me.”

“What if we wind up on the same side and I don’t require help?”

“That’s what I’m scheming for, woman. How did you guess?”