He gives me another lick before moving up my body, coming to press a kiss to my lips. I taste myself on his lips. Is face moves away from mine and the smile on his lips fades and turns into a deep frown as if he just remembered something bad… and then I remember it too.

“We need to get you down to your cell before breakfast.” He looks away, and at some random spot on the ground like anything else is better than looking into my eyes. “The doctor will get here right after breakfast. They’re going to get you out of the cell one by one and take you to see the doctor. If the doctor clears you, you’ll go back in the cell, if not… well, you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Okay.” I nod, he pushes off the bed and brings me a pair of sweatpants and for some reason I feel like today might be my last time with him. I don’t know why but it feels like it.

“I’ll come and get you right after dinner, I promise. Don’t fight them kitten, keep your claws to yourself today. They won’t hurt you unless you give them a reason too.”

I want to tell him he’s lying, they’ll hurt me no matter what, but I don’t.

Ivan brings me back to the cell just in time for breakfast. Dread sinks deep inside my belly like a ten pound weight as I go back and forth between preparing myself for this checking thing and replaying in my mind what that Yulie guy said.

What if he still sends somebody for me? Or what if he himself ends up getting to me? I know Ivan said he wouldn’t let him touch me, but how true is that? He doesn’t stand outside my cell door all day. Anyone could come in here and get me at any point and time and he’d never even know.

I pace the cold floor, unable to sit still. Everyday the auction grows closer, and the fact that I’ll have to leave Ivan and go with someone else sinks in. I’m terrified, of the unknown, of what could happen tomorrow. I want this entire thing to be over…I want to wake up and realize this was nothing more than a nightmare.

When I hear people in the hallway my steps flaunter and I almost lose it. My heart beats so furiously, my chest starts to ache. My body starts to shake uncontrollably and a cold sweat breaks out over my skin. Male voices meet my ears, then the sound of doors opening, followed by the sound of women crying, and a few screaming.

The familiar sound of my door unlocking fills the room but I know this time it won’t be Ivan walking in. The door swings open and all air leaves my lungs.

“Hey bitch, remember me? Big bad Ivan ain’t here to save you this time.” Luca grins at me and I want nothing more than to fight him. I want to run straight into Ivan’s arms all over again.

“It’s time for you to see the doc… time to see if you are really as innocent as you look.” Moving impossibly fast he grips onto my arm with bruising force.

“Let go of me.” I snarl, wanting to fight him so badly it takes everything in me not too. The only thing that holding me back is remembering Ivan’s words…and I hear his voice in my head. Don’t fight them kitten, keep your claws to yourself.

“No can do baby. Let’s go, or I’ll drug you and this time I really will do whatever the hell I want to you.” He looks over my body and even though I’m wearing Ivan’s three times to big clothes I feel exposed.

He pulls me out the cell door and I try not to drag my feet as he leads me down the hallway and into a well lit room on the left side of the hell. There is no door, and no privacy whatsoever. It’s mostly empty besides a examining chair in the center and a small table with medical trays next to it. There’s various tools and

“Strip,” Luca orders and releases me, his dark eyes rake over me, and he licks his lips, most likely enjoying this. “I’m going to get you ready for the doc. Get naked so I can put you on the chair.”

I glare at him and then at the chair which has knee crutches to spread my legs. I grind my teeth together when I notice the restrains attached to the chair, the last thing I want is to be strapped down naked to a chair with this bastard in the room.

“Last chance before I get the sedative out and I’ll just undress you myself.” He chuckles like he said something funny.