So, I do the only thing I can, and hope I can be faster than him.

I cock my hammer, too, on both guns, and shoot him in his head and neck.

The impact takes him down instantly, so he doesn’t even get to pull the trigger.

Tennessee drops to her knees as he falls, and I rush up to her, holding her.

Her arms circle me, and I feel her heart beating against mine.

She feels like mine again. I allow myself to think it for a few moments, and when they pass, I accept the reality that this is it.

This time when we part, it will be goodbye. When you love someone, you have to know when to let go, and she will never be safe if she’s with me.



It’s nearly ten when we pull up on the drive of Georgia’s house.

I never thought I would see the place again.

Nick guessed right that the men in the woods would have gotten there in some sort of transport. When we searched around, we found motorcycles in a clearing near the river two miles away from the cottage.

We took one and rode out of the woods like we had the fires of Hell chasing us.

I’m home now. A whole day has passed, and I feel like I’ve been on some crazy adventure. It also doesn’t seem like Georgia is home yet. Her car isn’t here, and the lights are all off. The door is also locked, which means someone must have done that because we left it open.

Nick helps me off the motorcycle and steadies me when I stumble.

I grip his hands and gaze up at him, taking note of the sadness in his eyes.

“Thanks. I guess I’m a little wobbly still.”

“That’s understandable.”

“Thank you for saving me. It’s not how I imagined seeing you again, but hey…”

He lifts a lock of my hair and looks at the ends brushing over his palm. “How did you imagine it?”

“It’s crazy. In my head, I was thinking you’d take me up on the offer to try my cookies because they really are the best. But then I realized I would never see you again that way because you don’t look like you’ve ever eaten sugar in your life.”

He grins. “But I had you, sweet Tennessee.”


“Yes. You. And this was definitely not how I imagined seeing you again.”

“How did you imagine it?” I find myself smiling, as if the last twenty-four hours never happened.

“I’d take you up on that offer to have your cookies. Then I’d take you to Italy and feast on you under the moonlight forever.”

A moment of light passes between us, and he dips his head to kiss me.

The kiss is sweet and soothing. It whispers over every part of my body, telling me secrets of desire, but when he pulls away from my lips, I know this is the end.

“It’s best I go now.” His voice is low and filled with remorse and regret. The kind of remorse and regret you feel when you stop yourself from seizing an opportunity you know could change everything.

I know it all too well because that’s how I feel.