I instruct the vet to deal with Mario, and I head the other way.

I have another place I stay at here when I can’t make it to the hotel. Since two people tried to kill me tonight, I think it’s best I head there and reconvene.

I need to find out where Tennessee lives and talk to her.

That’s what I need to focus on now. Once that’s done, I’ll hopefully be able to get back on track to finding Federico.

All the time I was with Tennessee, I never wanted her to see my darkness.

I knew she’d never want to be with me if she knew I killed for a living.

Mostly, I didn’t want her to do what she did— take one look at me and run the other way.

My phone rings in my back pocket, and I reach for it believing it’s Leo or Massimo. It’s neither. The call is coming from an unrecognized number.

“Who is this?” I say, stopping in the foyer.

“Heard you were looking for me,” comes a cold hard voice.

I’ve never heard the voice before, but my gut tells me who it belongs to.

“I look for a lot of people in my line of work.”

He chuckles without humor. “I’m sure you do, Nick Bellotto, but you’ve been looking for me for quite some time now. This is Federico DiMaggio.I already wanted you dead, but now that you’ve killed my little brother, you have to pay with more than your life.”

“My, my, don’t we have one rule for one and another for others. Your fucking brother came to kill me.”

Fucking asshole.It’s bold of him to call me. The fucking call also confirms his lack of care for who I am.

That’s why I don’t underestimate his threats.

He’s not going to call someone like me unless he has something to hold over my head.

“That was a pretty red-haired girl you had hanging on your arm, Nicky.”

Something to hang over my head like that.My heart stills and fucking stops in my chest.

Tennessee. He’s talking about her. Talking about her as if he saw her. Like he was here in Vegas at the Marchesi just like we were told.


“Big tits, bubble ass, fine body, beautiful red hair, heart-melting smile,” he taunts. “Oh, the way she looked at you was to die for. Like you were her everything.”

“You leave her out of this.”

“Let me guess, weekend away in Vegas with your girlfriend. Maybe you thought you could kill two birds with one stone. Kill me and get some pussy at the same time,” he intones in a sing-song voice that grates on my nerves.

“Where are you going with this, you asshole?” I need to know what he’s planning.

“Her. She’s your price. I will kill her. I’ll take her blood for my brother’s. I’ll watch you suffer from the loss of your love, then I’ll kill you next.”

Shock slams through me, and before I can answer, he hangs up.

I’m left staring into space, my pulse galloping, my mind going crazy.

Being with me put Tennessee in danger. As if things weren’t fucking bad enough.

Federico is going to find her and kill her.