The problems already existed in my life, but I had to go and make it worse by having a one-night stand with a man I just met and knew nothing about.

A shuffling noise sounds upstairs, and my poor heart stills. I hold my breath, then release it with relief when Nick walks down the stairs.

He’s back, and he’s carrying a bottle of water.

When I look at him, I don’t see the killer. I’m seeing the caring man who took care of me again. And I feel sad for his loss.

I can’t imagine losing my family that way. I lost my father, too, but it was to a heart condition. He wasn’t killed, and although I wish I’d had more years with him, I know I’d feel worse if I were Nick and had my family stolen from me.

“Drink this.” He moves toward me and hands me the bottle of water.

“Thanks.” When I take it and drink, I realize just how thirsty I am.

“Have these, too.” He pulls out a little bag with some red berries inside. I take them and eat. “We’re not that far from town, but it’s a good walk. Our smartest option is to stay here until sunrise, then move when it’s light. At the same time, we’re not safe here.”

The knots in my stomach tighten. “You think they’re going to find us here?”

“I think they could. I’m just reluctant to keep going because it’s dark. They have the advantage of numbers. If we get attacked out in the open, that’s it. At least here, if they come for us, we stand a chance.”

It all sounds bad to me, and then there’s Georgia to consider. “I’m worried about my cousin.”

“My people will have gone to the house and are watching the shop. They’ll take care of her. I know they will.”

“Are they… like you?”More mafia men. I’m almost afraid of the answer because of the connotations attached to the mafia.

“Yes, they are like me.” He holds my gaze, and the amber flame of the candle gives him an eerie glow. “So, I know she’s in good hands.”

I don’t think we can know anything for certain, but at least knowing there are people around who can protect her gives me some hope. Even until morning.

“You still look like you’re afraid of me,” he adds, intensifying his gaze.

“Any reason I shouldn’t be? I’m still a loose end, aren’t I? I still saw you kill a man.” It seems so silly to say now because I’ve seen two more dead men since.

“You did, and yes, you are a loose end.”

“What are you going to do to me?” He could have allowed those men to kill me, and the problem would have been solved. Since he hasn’t, I need to know his plans for me.

“Maybe I shouldn’t answer that question.” There’s an unmistakable glimmer of lust in his gaze, which triggers my arousal all over again.

“Maybe you should.”

He gives me a smile that can only be described as deliciously dark and full of wild unspoken sexual promises. I don’t know how he can even smile at a time like this, but I suppose he must be used to being in danger.

He’s a damn hitman, for crying out loud.

“Sweet, Tennessee, I don’t think you want to hear the truly dirty thoughts riddling my mind.”

“No, I don’t.” It’s a lie. I know it’s a damn lie because my traitorous body wants to hear everything. Following my body has nearly gotten me killed. So, I swallow to loosen the lust-filled lump swelling my throat and try to focus. “Nick, I need to know what you’re going to do to me.”

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not a complete monster.”

He’s not a good person either. “Does that mean you’re going to let me go if we get out of this? Would you have let me go in Vegas?”

“You don’t have to worry about me hurting you, sweet Tennessee. But I don’t think I have to tell you that you need to keep quiet about everything you’ve seen me do. I haven’t killed anyone who didn’t try to kill me first. That man in Vegas was watching us the whole time and waiting for the moment to strike.”

“Why did he want to kill you?” There are always two sides to a story.

“Because I’m looking to kill his brother, who killed a man who was like family to me.”