“Will you be long?” Her hands tremble, and her skin looks paler.

“No. I won’t go far either. Just stay here.”

“Where else am I going to go?” She furrows her brows and gives me that pissed-off stare I first got hours ago when I told her this was happening because of me.

“I just don’t want you getting any ideas.”

“Believe me, I have none. I don’t even know how to use a gun.”

“I’ll take care of you.”

The pissed-off look swiftly morphs into that stunned expression she had when I told her she was mine.

“What if they find us?” Her breath hitches. “There were a lot of them.”

“Let’s worry about that if it happens.” I turn to go back up the stairs, but she stops me.

“What happened to your father?” she asks.

“My father?” My nerves spike the way they always do whenever I have to talk about him.

“That guy back at the hotel said something about him.”

“My family was murdered. My mother, sister, and father. When it came to my father, they made an example out of him.”

Tennessee sucks in a breath, and her eyes widen. “I’m so sorry. I never thought it was that.”

“It’s okay.”

It’s not okay, but I always say that by default. When it comes to my family, it will never be okay, even though I killed the people responsible for taking them from me.

My mother and sister were shot in the head. It looked like they were killed execution style. My father had his eyes gouged out and his body mutilated.

I was surprised he was alive when I found him. All he said to me is to never forget who I am and who he taught me to be.

Their deaths were a revenge kill. Father killed his enemy’s wife by accident, and they came to kill us in return. They didn’t come for me because they knew I would have ended them. They got to my father when he least expected it.

It happened eight years ago. I’d just turned twenty-six, and it was the worst time of my life.

“I’ll be back,” I promise, and she nods.

“Thanks—for coming for me.”

“You don’t have to thank me for that.” I turn and go before I allow myself to get lost in her gaze.



It’s dark now, and Nick’s not back.

He’s been gone for over an hour.

I’m terrified, and I’m worried about Georgia.

I worry those men will hurt her. I don’t know what I’d do if that happened.

I feel like all I’ve brought on myself is problems—more of them.