Fuck no.
I have to do something. I just slipped up in a big way, and there’s no telling what she’ll do.
Oh my God, my God, my God, my God.
I run as fast as my legs can carry me, adrenaline fueling my every move.
What the hell did I just witness?
I couldn’t have seen what I just saw, right?
He just killed a man.
Nick, the man I spent last night with and all of today, killed a man.
He just… held a knife to the man’s neck and sliced the blade right across as if he were cutting through a piece of meat. And he didn’t cut him clean either.
Nick was like a savage. He almost hacked the man’s head off. That’s why all the blood came rushing out of the man’s body the way it did.
God, there was so much blood, and I heard bullets. It was like I just walked onto the set of some crazy action film, right in the middle of a gun battle.
When I first arrived at the suite, I assumed the maids were inside, because I could open the door without a keycard.
I went in and saw my purse on the table in the living room, so I picked it up. That’s when I heard Nick’s voice in the bedroom, followed by a noise that sounded like he was fighting with someone.
The gunshot was what I heard next, and I only went to the room because I knew he was in there. If not, I would have run the moment I heard the gun go off.
I can’t even believe I’m thinking the word ‘gun.’ Where I come from, the only people I know who carry them are the police or people who work with them.
Bree’s husband, Ethan, is a detective, and Quinn’s husband, Logan, is a private investigator. They carry guns, but I’ve never seen either of them with one.
Yet tonight, I witnessed a murder.
By the time I got to the room, I didn’t know who had the gun. It was clear, though, from what Nick said to the man, that he had control. He didn’t seem to be defending himself or anything like that.
He killed him, and I saw, and he knows that I saw.
I jump into the taxi that is waiting for me and tell the driver to go.
I’m breathing so hard I can’t steady my racing heart.
“Are you okay, Miss?” the driver asks, glancing back at me.
I open my mouth to answer, but I stop because I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.
No, I’m not okay. I just witnessed a murder, and the killer saw me.
What’s going to happen to me now?
Nick knows my name. He knows I’m going to North Carolina, and he knows personal things about me.
I barely got away. I heard more gun fire, but I didn’t look back to see what was happening.