“What’s wrong?”

Olivia handed him the folded piece of paper. He knew what he was going to find even as he unfolded it.


A photograph of them together outside her home the night of the SoHo Dufort opening. It was the moment he took her in his arms before he closed the door.

There was no question he was kissing her.

There was no question it was intimate.

The photograph was taken by a professional photographer and camera. That was obvious.

A reporter.


Or someone he had hired.

Who cared who’d taken it—it was obvious it was the asshole.

“What did he say?” Fletcher asked, turning it over, looking for anything more.

There was nothing.

Not a single word.

“Nothing. Fucking nothing,” she replied. “Sammy handed it to me when I dropped her to school this morning. It was stapled closed, as you can see from the holes. She said, ‘Daddy told me to give you this. Sorry, I forgot last night.’”

Fucking hell.

The guy was messing with her. Playing mind games.

Seeing Olivia upset like this made him mad.

“Listen to me carefully. I don’t want you to react in any way. Don’t text him, and don’t answer his calls.”

She shook her head.

“I can’t do that. It’s a requirement of shared custody that we communicate.”

“He can text you if it’s urgent,” he snapped and then regretted it.

“You don’t understand, Fletcher. He’s crazy.” Her face was pale and scared.

He wanted to rip the guy’s head off for making her suffer like this. Part of him felt guilty for being the cause, but that was bullshit. They had done nothing wrong—company policy aside. This was because Simon was a control freak.

“You need to tell me exactly who he is and who he works for, Olivia. This threat, silent though it is, extends beyond you now. I’m not going to sit around while he threatens you, me, and possibly this company.”

As a reporter, he was in a semi-powerful position. Not more powerful than Fletcher was, but unless he knewwhoSimon was, he couldn’t do anything.

“I’m sorry. I have to be careful. I don’t know how, but he will use this to take Sammy,” she said, her breathing erratic.

He pulled her into his arms, and she clung to him.

God damn this asshole.

“I can’t see how he can.”