Olivia’s mouth dropped open.

Not because she thought Fletcher couldn’t afford the most expensive restaurant in New York City—he could—but because this was madness.

Any number of people would see them together.

“Fletch! Are you crazy?” She gripped his hand.

She wasn’t likely to see anyone she knew in there, because her friends couldn’t shell out three hundred dollars for a meal, but he could.

All it would take was one person from the media to photograph them and her entire life would tip upside down.

“Trust me,” he said.

She was about to shake her head and rip her hand out of his when the door opened.

“Mr. Dufort. Welcome.”

Olivia couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Either they had served bad sashimi last week or...

“We have the place to ourselves,” Fletcher said, placing his hand on her back and guiding her inside.

Holy shit.

The server led them to a table in the middle of the room lit with candles. The space around them remained darkened and empty, yet they’d cleverly created an intimate feeling, just as it was intended.

Exclusive, important, and highly romantic.

Fletcher ordered a bottle of wine, and then his eyes met hers when the server left.

When they did, she leaned forward a little. “Are you out of your mind?”

He smirked. “Yes. A little bit.”

She sat back, and with wide eyes, looked around them and shook her head. “You don’t need to impress me.”

He lifted a glass of water to his mouth, then placed it back on the table.

“I’m not trying to impress you, Olivia. I’m spoiling you.”


“This must be costing you...” She stopped. It was completely rude to even mention money, but how could she not?

“I would have paid double. Now stop and just enjoy it.”

She chewed her bottom lip in an attempt to stop herself from talking. She wanted to tell him she didn’t need any of this, but in truth, it wasn’t about her.

It was, but it wasn’t.

This was Fletcher’s life, and he was putting her in it, in the only way he could. Given their circumstances.

She realized for the first time how much she must mean to him, and it made her heart ache in both a wonderful and sad way.

“You know, I would’ve been happy to just get takeout from the Sushi Train by the office.” She grinned at him as she played with the napkin.

“You say that now, but wait until you’ve taken your first bite tonight.” Fletcher leaned back in his chair.

“I’m sure.”