He had to try.

“Good morning, Olivia,” he said, cool and professional.

God, she looked incredible in her black skirt and green blouse. Those buttons didn’t look all that secure, and the long chain that hung down between her breasts should be illegal.

He’d have to tell her it was inappropriate. It was like she had one of those giant baseball fingers pointing at her chest sayingstare at my breasts.

His eyes ran down her tanned long legs to her black heels, which strapped around her ankles.

Fucking hell.

He coughed.

“You okay?” Olivia asked.

“Yes, why? Am I late?” he asked.

“No.” She frowned, stepping further into the room.

God, no, don’t do that.

“Okay, see you in there,” he replied, not looking at her.

“Fletcher, I—”

“I’ll see you in there, Olivia.” He spoke more sternly, looking up at her.

She stared for a moment, looking disappointed in him, nodded, turned, and left.


Shit, fuck, shit, fuck.

Why had he done that? Did he need to be such an asshole?

Daniel stepped into the office a second later, his head swiveling to take in Olivia’s back before staring at him.

“What’s up?” Daniel asked.

“Nothing is fucking up. Why is everyone asking what is up? Nothing. That’s what’s up,” he snapped.

Good one, idiot.

“Fine, you have your period. I pity your team today.” Daniel ignored any social signals he should leave and propped himself on the edge of the sofa.

“And yet here you are, still standing in my office while I need to change my tampon.” He walked around his desk.

Daniel let out a snort.

“I have a team meeting,” he said in the hope his brother would leave.

“What timing.” Daniel laughed.

“Get out,” Fletcher said, standing at the door.

“Come and see me when you’re finished.”
