Fletcher didn’t know how she spent her time outside of work, except for the obvious requirements of being a mom.

She let out another groan. “Thank you. See you Monday.”

“Olivia,” he said, stopping her.

Fletcher didn’t know what he was going to say. He just didn’t want to hang up.

There was a long silence before she replied.

“Yes?” she whispered.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Have a good weekend,” Fletcher replied finally.


Damn him.

Olivia sat in the back of the black luxury car and hugged her purse against her chest. Her laptop bag sat on the seat next to her as the warm air-conditioning brushed lightly against her skin.

It was certainly much nicer than the subway. She wasn’t going to argue with that, but Olivia knew it was inappropriate for her to keep accepting these little things Fletcher did for her.

No one had noticed yet.

As far as she was aware.

And they couldn’t.

One wrong move and she could lose Sammy, and there was no way she was going to let that happen.

Three years ago, she had left her husband, Simon, a reporter atNew York Today. He had been controlling and manipulative for years. She had finally found the strength to ask him to leave, and he had.

After a lot of yelling.

She had been proud of herself as they navigated shared childcare and their separation until one afternoon a few months after Simon had left, her friend Emma—who also worked as a reporter atNew York Today—had visited. They had all been friends, and Olivia knew it was going to be hard for everyone to adjust.