She did, though, have bruises around her wrists, arms, and thighs, and was extremely upset, clinging to her mother.

But with time and support, she would heal.

Fletcher watched the two of them fighting over the spoon and continued making his plans. Biding his time.


TWO WEEKS LATER, SAMMYwas back at school, and Fletcher had hired personal security for her.

Olivia hadn’t tried to refuse him. He loved she was letting him help now. She trusted him and that made him happy.

It meant his plans were coming together.

The security woman, Frankie, drove Sammy to school and was positioned around the school grounds and classrooms, then took her home. Sammy thought it was fantastic. Her own special driver. She’d asked if Frankie could take her to get ice cream if she wanted and who was he to say no?

He hadn’t needed to.

Olivia had.

Today, they were headed to a meeting. Or at least Olivia thought they were. Fletcher stood in the elevator as they made their way to the 103rd floor of the building in Manhattan.

“Fletcher, why are we meeting up here?” Olivia asked, sliding on her raspberry lip gloss.

“I don’t know. This is where they wanted to meet. Possibly because of the photo opportunity.” He shrugged, his hand clinging to the box in his pocket.

“Why didn’t they send the details to me directly?” she asked, frowning.

“You can ask them yourself in a few minutes.” He leaned in to kiss her.

Standing back, Fletcher slipped a finger inside his collar, tugging.

Was it hot?

Or was he freaking the fuck out?

Yeah, probably that the latter.

What if she said no?

God, he never thought he’d be doing this. And it was such a cliché place to do it, but they had Sammy full time and there wasno wayOlivia was letting her out of her sight for a night in the foreseeable future.

So, this was the best he had come up with.

They stepped out onto the secret VIP observation deck of the Empire State Building.

It was empty.

As he’d planned.

“Holy heck,” Olivia said, walking to the edge. “It’s magnificent up here. I didn’t even know it existed.”

When he didn’t answer, she turned. “Did you?”

He was already down on one knee in front of her.

Please don’t fucking say no.

“Oh my God!” she cried, her hand going to her chest.