As he approached the van two men got out. They were massive.

He was six foot two with a wide chest and shoulders, but these guys had height and a truck load of muscle on him.

Thank God he’d texted Daniel the details before he left. He wasn’tthatconcerned, but he wasn’t fucking stupid either.


“Black?” he asked, and the man nodded, shaking his hand.

Almost crushing it.

“She’s in the back, asleep. We sedated her to make it easier on her,” Black said.

He nodded, shifting the cap on his head.

“Where did you find her?” Fletcher asked.

“Near Hudson Valley, just outside New York. Mantle’s family has a cabin there. He had the child and wife roped up. Both were distraught. The woman is bruised and has broken ribs. As far as we can tell, Sammy is unharmed. Physically, at least, but you’ll want to get her checked out.”

Fletcher cursed.

Fucking asshole.

How was he going to tell Olivia this?

“We have photos that are on this drive, and the police are at the scene.” Black handed him a flash drive. “They let us take Sammy. I pulled some big strings to make that happen.”

“Thank you.” Fletcher turned to the other man.

“This is Josh Hawke. My business partner,” Black said.

An all-round terrifying looking guy. The kind you didn’t fuck with.

The man reached out and they shook hands. “I helped Daniel with your senator friend.”

“We’re keeping you busy.”

“And rich.”

“Yeah.” He let out a dry laugh, knowing it to be the truth, but both jobs had been invaluable. None more so than getting an innocent child returned to her mother.

Hawke crossed his muscular arms and shook his head. “Could have been worse, Dufort, but this fucker doesn’t deserve to have a kid.”

His stomach curled.

He wasn’t sure he would ever look at the photos on the drive, or show Olivia. What would it help?

“As promised, we’ll make sure Simon Mantle never gets near his daughter, or NYC, again. You can reassure her mother but when it’s taken care of, I’ll give you a call,” Black said.

Hawke opened the side of the van and inside Fletcher saw Sammy’s little body wrapped in blankets.

Jesus. His heart clenched, and he shook away the tears threatening to fill his eyes.

Black slapped him on his shoulder. “Tougher men than you have cried over the harm done to a child, my friend.”

God damn him.He wiped his forearm across his eyes.

“Mother fucker,” Fletcher mumbled.