Which she did on the way home.

Simon had given her bags a raised brow glance when he walked Sammy to the cab and kissed her goodbye.

Watching her daughter throw her arms around her father, she wished, not for the first time, that he wasn’t such a dick.

But he was.

A dangerous one.

“Good weekend?” he asked, as Sammy got herself buckled in.

“Goodbye, Simon. See you on Sunday.” She pulled the door closed. He grabbed and half-opened it. Gave her a long look and then closed it.


Fletcher was right. Simon was controlling her. She’d had enough. He wasn’t above the law, and while he had gotten away with drugging her and lying last time, she would never let him into her house to do the same thing again.

Olivia usually checked Sammy’s bags when she got home, too. The weekend she hadn’t spotted the photo was because she had been all loved up after such a romantic weekend with Fletch.

A mistake she wouldn’t make again.

She grabbed Sammy’s bags while the cab drove them home, checking them but lying to Sammy about what she was doing, as she did every week.

“Any homework?”

“All done, Mom,” Sammy said, rolling her eyes.

Olivia smiled. At some point, she had to stop doing this. She didn’t want her daughter growing up thinking she didn’t trust her. Every damn thing a parent did impacted their child’s psyche. Having a narcissistic father was enough for her little girl.

“I don’t need to check, do I? You are so good.”

“Well, I do need a costume...”

“What?” she had asked, her eyes widening.

“Just kidding, Mom.” Sammy had giggled while Olivia tickled her.

Trusting Fletcher, she thought as she walked through the office, was difficult, but she was trying. When she was with him, they lived in their own private sexy bubble.

Sooner or later she would need to introduce him to Sammy as her boyfriend, but she needed to be sure Fletcher truly loved her and it wasn’t just a passing phase. Yes, they had lusted after each other for a long time, but he had never been in a long-term relationship. Throw a child into the mix and she did wonder if the reality might be a little too much for him.

Right now she needed to focus on work.

Fletcher had said Katy was aware of what had transpired. She trusted her, as Fletcher had, and he had done the right thing. Dufort Hotels had needed to be prepared for a media crisis had it hit.

Fortunately, it hadn’t.


After a few meetings with her team, she made her way to Fletcher’s office for their weekly catch up.

She closed the door behind her as he looked up.

“How’s the first day back going?” he asked, standing to greet her.

She dropped her things on the table and let him pull her into his arms. “Wow, so we can do this now?”

Fletcher laughed. “I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to be making out in the hallways now the policy is gone, but yes, we can do this.”