“Raise your hand if you agree the Anti-Fraternization Policy should remain.”

Daniel and Brent lifted their hands.

“Jesus,” Daniel muttered. “And raise your hand if you agree it should be removed and replaced with the new yet-to-be-drafted policies.”

The rest of the team raised their hands.

Daniel turned to look at Fletcher and nod. “Fletcher, you have your wish. After today’s discussion, I have heard sound reason and while I still believe the policy has some value, I respect your votes. Miranda, make fast work of the new policy. Let’s announce this on Monday with the new framework.”

Fletcher nodded.

“I don’t want anyone employed here feeling at risk, or that they can act inappropriately,” Daniel added.

“But to be clear, relationships can take place between employees and Dufort Hotels has no say in the matter unless their behavior or performance is inappropriate or affects their work,” Fletcher clarified.

Sometimes it helped to just spell things out clearly.

Daniel closed his laptop and nodded. “No shagging in the goddamn hallways.”

Hunter snorted.

Fletcher stood as Daniel walked toward him. They shook hands.

“Well played. And well earned.” Then his brother added more quietly. “Go get your girl.”


Fletcher glanced athis watch for the hundredth time. He knew Sammy was at her father’s house and had been expecting Olivia to be home.

But she wasn’t.

It was probably insane to be waiting outside her house, but he hadn’t wanted to text her. He’d spent the entire night thinking about how to approach this conversation with her after the meeting yesterday and was no closer to an answer.

So, he was winging it.

Even though she could reject him again.