Olivia placed the coffeein front of Addison and sat on the stool next to her while the girls played in the living room. It was Simon’s week to have her, but he had a work event that night, so she had picked Sammy up after school.

“I can’t believe it. I mean, I can, but I still can’t,” Addison said, shaking her head.

Olivia had needed someone to talk to, so had confided in her friend. The upset had been too much for her to take alone.

It had been days since she’d seen Fletcher, and then the photo of him with Lucy Belladonna had been like a knife through her heart.

The truth was, she was brokenhearted.

“I know. It was stupid of both of us. I should have said no.”

“Well, Fletcher Dufort is...” Addison lowered her voice. “Hot as hell. I’m not surprised.”

Olivia let a small, sad smile hit her lips. “Yeah, he is. But he’s a nice guy too.”

It wasn’t like he was a stranger she’d bumped into at a bar. She knew Fletcher well after working together for two years. And now, after all the intimate time they had spent together she really knew him. Heck, he’d taken her to the Hamptons, to his family home.

“And richer than God,” Addison said. “Sienna, feet off the sofa!”

Sammy came running over and Olivia handed her the juice boxes she had meant to take over to the girls. Her mind wasn’t focused. At any point Simon could leak the photo and their lives would change.

“Well, it’s kind of romantic in a way,” Addison said, lifting her coffee to her lips.

“How is that?” she asked.

“You really don’t get it?” When she shook her head, her friend continued. “It’s like Cinderella. Harry and Meghan. A real-life fairy tale.”

Olivia choked on her coffee and began coughing. “It’s nothing like that at all.AndMeghan was a wealthy and award-winning actress well before she met Prince Harry.”

Addison shrugged. “Well, that’s how the media will see it if the story breaks. Everyday New York gal meets her billionaire prince and...”

“And? We’re going to live happily ever after?” Olivia scoffed, annoyed.

Why did everyone think that? Even Addison, who knew how dangerous Simon was.

“What did Fletcher say about the photo?”

She glanced away.

“I resigned.”

“What?” Addison whisper-yelled, obviously so she wouldn’t freak the girls out. Their little inquisitive heads popped up, anyway. “What? Why?” she repeated in a normal tone.

“Because when they find out, I would have been fired for breaching the company policy, so this way, it’s not on my record. It could save me if Simon does try to bring an incompetence suit against me.” She chewed her bottom lip. “But I do need a new job, and fast.”

“And he didn’t try to stop you?”

“Yes, of course he did. He even...”


Her eyes filled.

“Honey, what did he do?” Addison asked, her hand on Olivia’s arm.

“He told me he loved me... and suggested we get married.” She whispered her confession, a tear spilling down her face.