“Who took the photo? And weren’t you with Lucy Belladonna over the weekend?” Hunter asked.

Fletcher chugged back the last of his cold coffee, wishing he’d ordered two of them, and waved him off with a mutter ofbullshit media.

Both his brothers nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. They were all a constant interest to the mainstream media and rarely was any of it true.

“Olivia’s ex is trying to take her kid from her. Again. He’s done it once, by drugging her and planting drugs in her home.”

Daniel opened his mouth to speak, but Fletcher held up a hand, halting him.

“She is not a drug user, and I don’t know why it didn’t come up on the search when we hired her. But it’s a moot point, so drop it.”

Daniel pressed his lips together, but his gaze darkened as it shot across the desk demanding Fletcher continue.

“The ex, Simon, is a reporter atNew York Today. He’s been watching her every move and saw what was happening between us. He threatened to use the fact she was taking men home to get her daughter from her again.”

“Men?” Hunter asked.

Fletcher shook his head.

“She’s too scared to fucking breathe, let alone date. He’s controlling her.”

“Yeah, that’s not cool,” Daniel said, rubbing the back of his neck. “What an asshole. Simon has now lost his job. I’m ringing Frank.”


As much as he was happy Daniel was changing his tune, this wasn’t the path. He understood that now.

“You don’t yet realize how unstable this guy is. Anything we do could mean the difference between Sammy having a mother or not. And living with a damn psychopath.”

Daniel cursed.

“I’m not sitting back and letting this asshole drag you and Dufort Hotels through the mud,” Daniel said, and stood. “Regardless, I’m adding this to the executive team meeting agenda this week. No surprises. That’s how I run this ship. You all know that.”

Fletcher shook his head.

“Well, then you need to know I will be demanding a vote to have the anti-fraternization policy removed,” he growled.

“Speaking of moot points. Olivia has resigned,” Daniel said.

“Well at least you get the girl.” Hunter grinned.

Not so much.

“We’re... it’s over,” Fletcher said.

“What do you mean it’s over?” Hunter asked. “You both put yourselves in this position for a few nights of hot sex? I mean, I get it, but that doesn’t sound like something Olivia would do.”

No, it didn’t.

“Yeah, well she’s trying to sort out her life, so she doesn’t lose her daughter. She should never have had to resign.” He glared at Daniel.

“Hey, the policy was a unanimous decision whichyouvoted for when we put it in place.”

“Nearly ten years ago, for fuck’s sake,” he snapped back.

“Can’t you help her with Sammy?” Hunter asked.

They’d all met the cute little curly-haired Olivia mini-me at work events where employees brought spouses and children along. She was a standout kid with a bubbly personality, so it was hard to not know who she was. Plus, Olivia worked closely with the executive team, so Sammy had chatted with them all many times.