“Hello, sweetheart.” She leaned down as Sammy jumped into her arms.

“Mommmm.” Sammy sobbed, and Olivia’s eyes lifted to glare at Simon.

He shrugged and shoved a folded note into her hand. She pulled Sammy back and took in her tear-stained eyes.

“What baby?” she said, wiping the hair from her daughter’s forehead.

“Daddy forgot to get me a costume, so I’ll be the only kid without one.” Sammy sniffed. “Can you make me one, Mommy? Please?”

Olivia stood and opened the note. Dress as your favorite book character day was on Monday and the note was dated the Tuesday before.

“Put your bags away, Sammy, and wash up for dinner. I’ll make you a costume, don’t worry.” She ran a hand over her hair.

Her daughter’s face lit up with a mix of relief and happiness, then she danced off to her bedroom.

Olivia glared at Simon again.

“What?” he said, “Don’t give me shit. I only saw the note yesterday.”

Olivia shook her head.

“Yesterday? So, you had two days and still decided to leave it for me on a Sunday night?” she ground out. “Seriously, Simon, you’re only hurting our daughter with this fucked-up behavior.”

His face turned angry.

“Watch your mouth,” he snarled, pointing a finger at her. “You’re lucky to have her at all.”

Olivia rolled her eyes.

“You and I both know you set me up. Now get the hell out of my doorway. I have a costume to put together.”

She began to push the door closed, but he didn’t budge.

“Simon,” she warned, but her heart began to pound.

His eyes ran over her body for a long moment, then, full of anger, they met hers.

Why couldn’t he just move on? He had married Emma and hurt Olivia more than anyone ever could. Wasn’t that enough?

She was just exhausted by it all.

One day, when their daughter was a legal adult, Olivia would be free of his control. Until then, she had to learn to keep her mouth shut.

He was unstable and dangerous to provoke.

Simon reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. She felt vomit rise in her throat.

“Watch your back, baby-cakes.” He smirked before walking away.

Olivia’s legs turned to jelly as she shut the door and slid the bolt. Resting her head on the doorjamb, she counted to ten and then let out a long breath.

“What do you think about Captain Underpants?” she called out, walking into the living room.

“Noooo. Mom!”

Eh, worth a try.